General The Lord Richard Dannatt GCB MC

Lord Dannat

Areas of Interest

Armed Forces and Emergency Services

Honorary Award

Honorary Doctor of Technology, 2009


General Lord Richard Dannatt stepped down from his role as Head of the British Army where he more than made his mark as Chief of the General Staff during his leadership period from 2006-2009 by being 'the soldier's soldier'. During this time, he campaigned for a better deal for troops, arguing for better equipment and higher pay.

General Lord Richard Dannatt was commissioned into The Green Howards in 1971 and awarded the Military Cross in Northern Ireland aged 22. He has served seven tours of duty with the 1st Battalion in Northern Ireland and also with the UN in Cyprus and for many years in Germany before he commanded the Battalion in the Airmobile role from 1989 to 1991. He then took command of the 3rd (United Kingdom) Division in January 1999, and also served in Kosovo that year as Commander British Forces. In 2000, he returned to Bosnia as the Deputy Commander Operations of the NATO Stabilisation Force. Following this, he became Assistant Chief of the General Staff in the Ministry of Defence before taking command of NATO's Allied Rapid Reaction Corps. In 2005, he took over as Commander-in-Chief Land Command and took up the appointment of Chief of the General Staff in 2006.

He was made a CBE in 1996, awarded the Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in 1999, was appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath in 2005, and a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath in 2009. He is Trustee of the new Service charity Help for Heroes and a Patron of the war-zone charity, Hope and Homes for Children. In his latest post, he has become the 159th Constable of the Tower of London. He is honoured for his extreme professionalism and for his outstanding dedication to the British Army.


"Vice Chancellor, it is my pleasure to read the citation for General Sir Richard Dannatt GCB KCB CBE MC ADC for the award of Honorary Doctor of Technology.

General Sir Richard Dannatt has just stepped down from his role as Head of the British Army where he more than made his mark as Chief of the General Staff during his leadership period from 2006-2009 by being the soldier's soldier. 

During his time at Chief of the General Staff, he campaigned for a better deal for troops arguing for better equipment, better care and higher pay.

General Sir Richard Dannatt was commissioned into The Green Howards in 1971 and awarded the Military Cross in Northern Ireland aged 22. He has served seven tours of duty with the 1st Battalion in Northern Ireland and also with the UN in Cyprus and for many years in Germany before he commanded the Battalion in the Airmobile role from 1989 to 1991. He then took command of 3rd (United Kingdom) Division in January 1999, and also served in Kosovo that year as Commander British Forces. In 2000, he returned to Bosnia as the Deputy Commander Operations of the NATO Stabilisation Force. 

Following this, he became Assistant Chief of the General Staff in the Ministry of Defence before taking command of NATO's Allied Rapid Reaction Corps. In 2005, he took over as Commander-in-Chief Land Command and took up the appointment of Chief of the General Staff in 2006.

He was made a CBE in 1996, awarded the Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in 1999, was appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath in 2005, and a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath in 2009. He is Trustee of the new Service charity Help for Heroes and a Patron of the war-zone charity, Hope and Homes for Children. 

In his latest post, he has become the 159th Constable of the Tower of London which is a ceremonial role dating back to the eleventh century. He is the Queen's representative within the Tower of London and its formal custodian.

General Sir Richard Dannatt was born in 1950 and educated at Felsted School and St Lawrence College. He and his wife, Phillipa have a permanent home in Norfolk and are both graduates of Durham University. They have three sons and a daughter.

General Sir Richard Dannatt has been applauded as a very honest General with very high principles. He believes that the Army, being entrusted with the use of lethal force, must maintain particularly high values and to this is added the all-important moral and spiritual dimension of military service.

He has the honesty and integrity that you would expect from one of the country's most liked and respected military figures. 

As Head of the British Army he was not afraid to speak out for what he felt the men and women on the frontline needed to do the job they were tasked to do. He still firmly believes that we have to succeed in our mission today, in order to make tomorrow a safer place for everyone. 

As a leader, he is truly inspiring. He has no fear of controversy; simply wanting to fight for the very best outcome. 

The British Army loves him for his allegiance and his unfailing courage. In looking out for those below him, he has taught many civilians how to conduct themselves. Those who are setting out in their chosen field of Science and Engineering will see him as an outstanding role model. 

He sets an example to us all to be the best in everything we do.

For his devotion and dedication to the British Army, and for his extreme professionalism, we would like to honour him today. Vice Chancellor, it is my pleasure to present General Sir Richard Dannatt the award of Doctor of Technology, honoris causa."