Dr Jonathan Sackier

Jonathan Sackier

Areas of Interest

Health Care

Honorary Award

Honorary Doctor of Science


Jonathan Sackier is an internationally renowned surgeon, technology innovator, and entrepreneur. He is currently Chief Medical Officer of Helius Medical Technologies, and Visiting Professor of Surgery at Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences.

Dr Sackier trained as a surgeon here in the UK, at the University of Liverpool, and in 1989 was recruited to the USA, where he played a role in developing a variety of medical technologies, including laparoscopic surgery, amniotic stem cell technology, and the world’s first commercial surgical robot, AESOP.

He considers himself privileged to have been the surgeon who collaborated with the team that performed the world’s first laparoscopic cholecystectomy using robotic assistance. He has continued his interest in robotic interfaces deployed in clinical environments, and he is currently helping to develop protocols to bring non-invasive neuromodulation approaches to induce plasticity in a range of neurological conditions and diseases.

He also carries out research in the field of minimally invasive surgery, exploring the use of techniques which can lead to faster recovery times and reduced post-operative pain.

As a Professor at George Washington University, Dr. Sackier founded and funded the Washington Institute of Surgical Endoscopy, a centre for education, research, innovation and technology transfer.

He has served as Board Member of both the Foundation for Surgical Fellowships, and the American College of Surgeons Foundation. And from 2005 to 2014 he was Visiting Professor of Surgery at the University of Virginia. Dr. Sackier has also served as Chair of the Board of Governors with The Larry King Cardiac Foundation.

A keen pilot, Dr. Sackier advises the American Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association on medical issues pertinent to pilots, and he authors the Fly Well column in AOPA Pilot magazine.

He speaks internationally both to medical and technical audiences on technology development and healthcare. He is a passionate teacher and a prolific writer, having published 7 books and more than 120 articles. Dr. Sackier helped Rex Bionics develop the world’s first hands-free exoskeleton that allows paraplegics to walk unaided, which led to the company winning the 2014 London AIM Award for “outstanding achievement for most successful growth market”.

He is currently a Board Member of Brandon Medical, a British firm committed to developing technologically advanced products for the healthcare sector. And he is a Board Member of Clinvue, an American company that helps bring innovation from mind to marketplace.

Anglia Ruskin University already enjoys close ties with Dr Sackier through his mentorship of Professor Tony Young in his work at our MedTech Campus. And he is greatly valued as a supporter of our Clinical Entrepreneur programme.

Jonathan has a hugely impressive record in pioneering scientific and technological innovation that has delivered enormous advances in many areas of medicine.

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