Seeds in the Dirt Imaginarium

The Imaginarium is a co-created space for writers, researchers and publishers to imagine how our words might reach readers without literally costing the earth.

This project is supported by ARU’s Sustainable Futures Knowledge Exchange Programme, and co-led by the Global Sustainability Institute (GSI), Cambridge School of Creative Industries and Alice Willitts of DIRT publishing.

An open notebook nestled in foliage, with the word 'Imagine...' written and a pressed leaf on the page

What if a group of poets, nature writers, storytellers, academics and students, set off with a DJ, a gardener and a clown to find new ways of sharing words with the world? And in that inquiry they danced and gardened, shared ideas and sang until they could hold the queries and the answers in their bodies?

What then… could they be the change, could they germinate the seeds of something magic that would spread?

The Imaginarium ran from 19-21 April 2024, bringing together 25 participants from across academia, publishing and creative practice.

To learn more or get involved, contact Sarah Royston: [email protected]