Exterior view of the European Parliament building in Brussels, against a blue sky with a few clouds

Policy, Governance and Institutions

We aim to understand and influence decision-making through our projects relating to policy, governance, and institutions. Using research methods from real world social experiments to computer-based modelling, we support sustainable approaches to governance and policy-making across many organisations, at local, national and international scales.

Global Resource Observatory (GRO)
The GRO project investigated how the scarcity of finite natural resources will impact global social, financial and political fragility in the short term.

UK Global Food Security Taskforce
The UK Global Food Security Taskforce was commissioned to produce a report on food system resilience in the face of changing weather (PDF).

MEDEAS aims to develop an advanced modelling tool to create, modify and test policies to support the transition to a more sustainable European Energy system.

Global Chaos Map Project
The Global Chaos Map Project offers insights into patterns of violent social unrest arising from disruption of access to natural resources.

Warm and Green
This project, commissioned by CPRE, produced recommendations to facilitate energy saving and carbon reduction in rural homes and community buildings.

The EnergyWater project enabled European manufacturing industries to process water more efficiently by establishing a comparison tool and knowledge-sharing network.

Gender equity and energy access in the Global South
This project investigated perceptions of women's use of energy, and made recommendations to support the equitable development of policies and interventions on energy access.

The SHAPE-ENERGY project developed a platform to bring together those 'demanding' energy research with social science and humanities researchers who can 'supply' it.

Connect4 Water Resilience
Connect4 explores the links between water resources and communities in four countries of the Limpopo Basin in southern Africa.

UKUH aims to improve understanding of the potential environmental, social and economic impacts of unconventional hydrocarbon development in the UK.

ESCALATION disseminated the findings from a new framework developed to explain local communities' level of support for climate change adaptation policies.

FIDELIO explored socio-economic impacts of European protected areas and predicted how perceptions of these impacts would change through time.

Sustainability East
Sustainability East was a doctoral studentship that facilitated debate and action on sustainable housing development in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.