Hands encircling four small figures

Participation and Community Engagement

We recognise the importance of communities and their lived experiences in our research: Many of our projects have a strong emphasis on participation and community engagement. Across our work in this theme, we bring together people’s stories and ensure they feed into research, policy and practice to achieve effective interventions to create a more sustainable world for all.

The SHAPE-ENERGY project developed a platform to bring together those 'demanding' energy research with social science and humanities researchers who can 'supply' it.

Energy-SHIFTS worked to improve the inclusion of energy-related social sciences and humanities research in short- and long-term EU energy policy.

EnergyREV aims to tackle the challenges around smart local energy systems, helping communities deliver cleaner, cheaper energy services.

Connect4 Water Resilience
Connect4 explores the links between water resources and communities in four countries of the Limpopo Basin in southern Africa.

Sustainability East
Sustainability East was a doctoral studentship that facilitated debate and action on sustainable housing development in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.