Debating Nature's Value resources

The debate has already begun...

This is not an exhaustive list of resources by any measure, but we have linked to some articles, interviews and blog pieces that we hope paint a picture of the current state of thinking. The concept of 'Natural Capital' has gathered traction with many thinkers across many disciplines.

Our network seeks to expand the conversation's reach further, into the arts and humanities, to explore the nuances of the terminology and  alternative solutions to the key issue of protecting our natural environment, the ecological infrastructure upon which we all depend.

Victor's first blog piece for Ecologist Online: Nature vs Natural Capital

Natural Capital Committee reports (the Committee is an official UK Government advisory body)

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on Nature's Contributions to People (NCP)

POST - Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology: Natural Capital: An Overview

Rupert Read's briefing on the Precautionary Principle, commissioned by and for Parliamentarians

Presentation by Anglia Ruskin Chaplain and GSI visiting fellow, Rev Canon Nigel Cooper, to the ICAEW: Natural and Spiritual Capitals and their Interaction

The TEEB reports - The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity - gave a big boost to the use of the concept of "natural capital": TEEB Synthesis Report (2010)

Dario Kenner, Founder of Why Green Economy and GSI Visiting Fellow, discusses some of the problems applying the concept of "natural capital": Who Should Value Nature?

NCI Chair joins British Ecological Society and the Royal Geographical Society for public discussion: Putting a Price on the Priceless?

Al Jazeera programme summary Pricing the Planet

Issue of Ecosystem Services journal: on valuation and 'cultural ecosystem services'

Office for National Statistics estimated UK natural capital value

Executive Secretary of Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES): Interview in Nature

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Living Planet Report 2018

Article in Nature: Working together: A call for inclusive conservation

Research project on the concept of "Ecosystem Services"

UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee page, with useful links to information about IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)

Article by Rupert Read on Economics and Science, from International Journal on Green Economics, 2007

Video of the Chair of the Natural Capital Committee answering questions from the Environmental Audit Committee on

Presentations made by Friends of the Earth Europe at Rights to Nature: Tracing alternative political ecologies against the neoliberal environmental agenda, Conference June 2016

Nature is Not for Sale

Nature is Our Right

Short piece by Terrafiniti: A planetisation of finance: The Earth as a going concern

Improving Natural Capital Annual Report 2017 – the Executive Summary shows the importance they are attaching to the 25 Year Environment Plan

RSPB natural capital account for reserves in England: A step towards nature conservation’s Holy Grail?, 2017