Case study: Systech International

Anglia Ruskin academic Dr Jon Salkeld, Director of Corporate and UK Partnerships, works with Systech International to support the delivery of construction, infrastructure and energy projects.

Support includes legal services, visualization, claims and dispute resolution. Systech provides teams to take full responsibility for tasks within project delivery plans, including:

  • supporting the bid, contract documentation and estimating
  • project controls – strategies and systems for the control of project costs and programme
  • subcontractor appointments and on-site administration
  • change control – identification, evaluation and negotiation of variations and additional entitlements
  • claims – strategy, quantum assessment, delay analysis, document preparation and resolution
  • dispute resolution – a complete international arbitration service combining claims, forensic planning, expert, legal and visualization consultants.

What was the business challenge?
In 2011 Systech International approached the Faculty of Business and Law at Anglia Ruskin University requesting a ‘mini MBA’ programme designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of middle/senior management. The aim of the programme was to prepare middle management staff for more senior roles within the organisation and thereby enhance succession planning.

How did the University help?

In conjunction with Systech International, academic staff from the Faculty of Business and Law designed a series of 12 masterclasses on a range of business issues including corporate strategy, leadership, management, change and innovation. Each masterclass was followed by a short practical assignment to help participants to embed the material into their immediate work context. The aim was to align the masterclass topics with corporate aims and objectives and provide maximum return on investment for the organisation. The first series of masterclasses started as a pilot in 2011 and subsequently three further series have been implemented in succeeding years.

What are the real business benefits?
Evaluation following each masterclass series has returned very positive results and has led to the programme being seen as an integral part of the Systech International training strategy. The participating managers have applied a wide range of relevant models and concepts into their immediate work situations which has enabled them to create innovative solutions to complex problems and create enhanced performance within their teams. Insights gained from the programme have also been disseminated within the wider organisation within both the UK and overseas.

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