Terms and conditions of hire

Read our terms and conditions of hire, relating to conference, meeting room and specialist creative space hire at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU).

Acceptance of the University’s services will imply acceptance of the written Terms and Conditions of Hire and Cancellation Charges.

Use of University premises

  1. The University accepts bookings subject to the terms of the Education Act 1986.
  2. The Hirer shall not imply any academic association with the University unless specifically agreed in writing in advance by the University.
  3. Bookings by religious groups may be referred to the University Chaplain prior to being approved.
  4. The Hirer shall not sub-licence any hired rooms or spaces to other parties without the written consent of the University.
  5. The Hirer is responsible for keeping good order during the period of hire. The University reserves the right to cut short or terminate bookings in the event of disturbances.
  6. The University reserves the right, without liability or penalty, to amend or cancel a booking in exceptional circumstances.
  7. Animals, with the exception of assistance or guide dogs, are not permitted within the premises.
  8. Due to their impact on the environment, the University does not permit balloons on campus.

Age restrictions

University premises can only be hired and used by persons of 18 years of age or above. The University, at its sole discretion, may allow the premises to be used by groups including persons under 18 years of age. The Hirer must seek permission from the University at the earliest possible opportunity if there will be attendees under the age of 18. The Hirer shall in such circumstances undertake a full risk assessment and provide a copy to the University in advance of the event. The University reserves the right to request any further information which it deems appropriate.

Seating arrangements and furniture

  1. The Hirer shall not permit more than the maximum number of people notified to him by the University to be in any room at any time.
  2. If the Hirer wishes to vary the seating arrangements for a room, the University may agree to vary the maximum permitted number of people for that room.
  3. The University shall have the right to require people in excess of the maximum permitted number to leave either the room or, at his sole discretion, the University.
  4. Furniture and seating will be arranged by agreement between the Hirer and the University. Details of the Hirer’s seating proposals should be submitted to the University as soon as practicable, and in any event not later than seven days before the start of the hire period.
  5. Furniture and equipment shall not be removed from University premises, or from rooms, without prior consent of the University.

Films, photographs, videotapes

  1. The University reserves the right to take and retain photographs of the rooms of the event. Photographs will be used for internal purposes and potentially for promotional purposes. If the Hirer is not in agreement, the Hirer must notify the University in writing to specify that photographs cannot be taken. If no written disagreement is received, the University will assume the Hirer has given permission.
  2. Film, videotapes or photographs may be made or taken in hired spaces only, during the Hire Period. It is not permitted to photograph or film people without their permission.
  3. The University may request in writing of the title and content of any films or videotapes which are to be shown in the University.
  4. The University reserves the right to prohibit, at any time, whether before or after the Hire Period has started, the showing of any film or videotape or the display of any photograph in the University.

Insurance and licences

  1. The Hirer shall be responsible and liable in respect of any loss or damage caused to the premises by or on behalf of the Hirer or persons authorised by the Hirer to visit the premises during the period of hire. The Hirer shall therefore indemnify the University against any loss or damage to the premises and the Hirer shall ensure that they hold adequate insurance cover. Any such damage will be charged on the final invoice.
  2. Whilst the University holds public liability insurance, the hirer should also have appropriate liability insurance to cover any acts of negligence for which they could be liable. Written confirmation of insurance cover must be provided to the University if requested.
  3. Should the Hirer wish to use live or recorded music on University premises during the period of hire, the Hirer shall be responsible for ensuring they have appropriate music licences.

Health and safety

  1. The Hirer shall undertake a full risk assessment, and if relevant a COSHH assessment, and provide a copy to the University in advance of the event if requested. The University reserves the right to request any further information which it deems appropriate.
  2. Where a third party is contracted by the Hirer to provide services, equipment or facilities for the event, the Hirer shall ensure that the third party provides to the University as soon as practicable, and in any event not later than 14 days before the beginning of the Hire Period, a copy of its Health and Safety policy and copies of Method Statements and Risk Assessments for the work to be done. Where such policies conflict with those of the University the third party will comply with the most stringent requirement. Third parties may need to undertake a site induction prior to undertaking any work on the premises.
  3. The Hirer shall ensure that no hazardous substance, article or equipment is brought into the University in connection with the event.
  4. Candles, open flames and flammable substances are not permitted.
  5. The University reserves the right to immediately stop any activity that it considers to be unsafe and impose conditions under which any activity can be allowed to continue.
  6. The Hirer must not in any way obstruct emergency routes, exits or stairwells, or obstruct any notice of any emergency exit.
  7. The Hirer will provide details of speakers and subject matter to the University prior to their period of hire if requested. In accordance with the Education Act 1982 and the ‘Prevent’ Statutory Guidance under s29 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, the University reserves the right to impose conditions or cancel the booking.
  8. The Hirer is required to specify at the time of booking any requirements for customers or delegates with special needs eg wheelchair access or sight and sound facilities. The premises comply with current legal requirements and equality legislation. The University will make every effort to meet requirements however it may not be possible for the University to accommodate particular needs without advance notice.
  9. Some specialist space and equipment require the Hirer to complete an induction with a member of the University’s technical staff. The Hirer will be advised if this is necessary at the time of booking. Timings for any required induction will be agreed in advance.
  10. Some specialist spaces require additional health and safety inductions due to the hazards and risks involved with using them. The Hirer will be advised if this is necessary at the time of booking. The University’s technical staff will provide inductions and additional documentation for signing. Failure to complete these inductions, or use the equipment/space as instructed, may result in the booking being cancelled, and the standard cancellation charges will apply.
  11. The University operates a no smoking or vaping policy. Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.


  1. The University will not accept responsibility or liability in instances where a video conference is unable to take place due to a technical failure.
  2. All electrical plant and audio-visual equipment brought onto the premises shall comply with the appropriate regulations and safety standards. Portable electrical equipment must have been tested by a qualified engineer during the previous twelve months. The University reserves the right to inspect equipment being brought onto the premises.
  3. The University may, at its sole discretion, require that any electrical equipment shall not be used, and, if the University thinks fit, may require such equipment to be removed from the University.
  4. The Hirer is responsible for the safekeeping of equipment brought into the University by the Hirer or his agent. The University can arrange for rooms to be locked if requested in advance by the Hirer.

Payment terms

  1. Payment terms will be agreed with the Hirer on booking. Invoices shall be settled within 30 days. The University reserves the right to cancel the booking if the Hirer fails to make payment as agreed.
  2. The currency of the Hire Agreement is pounds sterling (£). Payments in other currencies shall be converted into pounds sterling on the date when payment is received and credit given against the sterling amount payable

Food and beverage

  1. All food and beverage should be ordered from the University catering team. Externally purchased food or beverage may not be brought onto the premises for consumption.
  2. In some spaces food and beverages are completely prohibited. If appropriate, the Hirer will be advised of this at the time of booking.
  3. Bookings requiring catering must be confirmed at least ten days prior to the period of hire, with final catering numbers and dietary requirements confirmed at least three working days prior to the period of hire.
  4. Certain premises are licensed for the supply of intoxicating liquor subject to the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003. The University reserves the right to charge the Hirer corkage for liquor brought onto the premises for 'on consumption' by persons within their care. Hirers are responsible for ensuring that no persons under 18 consume alcohol at their events.
  5. The University reserves the right to prohibit the consumption of alcohol entirely.

Care of University facilities

  1. The Hirer shall not later than the end of the hire period ensure that the hired rooms are clean, undamaged and free from excess rubbish; and remove from the University any item which has been brought into the University in connection with the event other than items brought in by the University.
  2. Items may not be affixed to walls, ceilings or floors by use of nails, screws, drawing pins, tape or by other means, without the written approval of the University.
  3. If, in the opinion of the University, the Hirer has failed to comply with paragraphs (i) and/or (ii) of this condition, the University may, at the Hirer’s expense, do all that is necessary to ensure compliance.
  4. The University shall have the right to remove and discard anything left in the University after the hire period has ended. The University may at its sole discretion store at the Hirer’s risk any item that appears to be valuable.

Failure of Hirer to vacate after the hire period

If the Hirer, or any servant, agent or contractor of his, fails to vacate the rooms by the end of the hire period or to remove from the University anything brought into the University for the purposes of, or in connection with the event, the Hirer shall be liable to pay the University on demand the amount of any losses suffered by the University arising from such failure, including but not limited to losses arising pursuant to claims against the University by any other person delayed in, or prevented from, obtaining access to the rooms or the University for subsequent use.

Termination by the University for breach or anticipated breach

  1. If the Hirer, any person using the University in connection with the Hire Agreement or the event, breaches or fails to observe or perform any of the Conditions, or if the Hirer fails to secure their observance or performance, or if it appears to the University that: (a) the Hirer intends to use the University for any purpose other than the event specified in the Hire Agreement; or (b) the event may lead to a breach of the peace, or acts of violence may occur or damage may be caused to the University or its contents; or (c) the nature of the event or of any item in its programme is such as to render it undesirable that it should take place in a building under the control of the University; or (d) it appears to the University that entering into the Hire Agreement with the Hirer would be inconsistent with the University’s duties under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 then the University may, without prejudice to any accrued rights against the Hirer, forthwith and without notice terminate the Hire Agreement. The Hirer shall, immediately on such termination, vacate the University and cause all persons and things which it has caused to be in the University in connection with the event to leave or be removed.
  2. The University shall be entitled to retain all sums paid under the Hire Agreement, and the Hirer shall be liable to pay forthwith the balance of any charges payable under or in connection with the Hire Agreement and any costs, losses or damages incurred or suffered by the University or for which the University may become liable in connection with the event.
  3. The Hirer shall have no claim against the University for any loss or damage he may sustain or have sustained nor for any liability he may incur or have incurred in consequence of such termination by the University.

Force majeure

  1. If any party is affected by a force majeure event it shall forthwith notify the other party of the nature and extent thereof. Force majeure events shall mean, in relation to either party, any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of that party (including, without limitation any strike, lock-out work stoppages industrial disputes or other form of industrial action, war, civil commotion civil disturbance riots, invasion, war, hostilities, terrorism, epidemics or pandemics as recognised by the UK Government, fire, explosion, adverse weather (including lightning flood, storm) catastrophic events, acts of government (including obligatory compliance with any government order rule direction or regulation) widespread disease, infection, lack of energy supply volcanic eruptions, earthquake or acts of God).
  2. Each of the parties to this Hire Agreement shall be released from its obligations to the other insofar as it has been prevented from performing those obligations by any of the above mentioned occurrences of force majeure and this Agreement shall terminate immediately on provision of written notice by either party to the other.
  3. If the Hire Agreement terminates under this condition, the Hirer shall as its sole remedy under the Hire Agreement be repaid all sums paid under the Hire Agreement, subject to the deduction of an amount equal to the sum of the costs incurred by University up to the date of termination, and that part of the Net Total attributable to that part of the hire period which has elapsed prior to such termination.

Cancellation charges

A booking is confirmed once the Hirer has signed the Hire Agreement. In the unlikely event of total or partial cancellation, a fee is payable to the University as follows:

  • 10% of Gross Total for cancellation prior to 12 weeks before the date of commencement
  • 20% of Gross Total for cancellation within the period 12 weeks to 14 days before the date of commencement
  • 50% of Gross Total for cancellation within the period 13 days to 5 days before the date of commencement
  • 100% of Gross Total if cancelled within four days of the date of commencement, or for non-attendance.

Covid-19 clause

Both parties acknowledge the ongoing COVID-19 crisis in the UK and accept their obligation to comply with any official guidance from UK Government. The parties agree to communicate without delay any issues they may have in performing their obligations under this agreement. The Hirer acknowledges that COVID-19 may require the University to take one or more of the following measures for the safety of staff and the safety of delegates attending the event to which this booking relates:

  • impose maximum delegate numbers at the event
  • limit food or drink availability
  • impose specific requirements regarding personal protective equipment such as the wearing of masks
  • limit any planned entertainment for your event
  • designate alternative entrance and exit routes.

In some circumstances the University might consider revising the booking fee. If the University is obliged due to specific Government restrictions, to close the venue, an alternative date for the event may be offered, but if that cannot be agreed the booking will be deemed cancelled and any deposit paid will be returned in full with no further payment required.

If the Hirer is unable to provide the agreed delegate numbers for Day Delegate Rate bookings because of infections or travel restrictions, then the University will offer either a proportionate reduced fee for the event or agree to cancel the booking and return any deposit paid.

If delegate numbers for Day Delegate Rate bookings decrease below 70% of the contracted number (notified by the Hirer in writing a minimum of 15 working days prior to event), the University reserves the right to cancel the event.


The Hirer may not assign, charge or deal in any other manner with any of its rights or obligations under the Hire Agreement or transfer, delegate or sub-contract any of its said rights or obligations without the prior written consent of the University.

No failure or delay by either party in exercising any of its rights under the Hire Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of such rights and no waiver by either party of any breach of the Hire Agreement by the other shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

If any provision of the Hire Agreement is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of the Hire Agreement and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.

The construction, validity and performance of the Hire Agreement shall be governed in all respects by English law and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.