Women in Engineering: An international student's perspective on studying Construction Project Management in the UK

Guest posts

Faculty: Science and Engineering
School: Engineering and the Built Environment
Course: MSc Construction Project Management
Category: Engineering

16 January 2023

My experience as a Construction Project Management student and British Council STEM scholar at Anglia Ruskin University:

I have always believed that with the right guidance, construction (and engineering) could be more effective and more sustainable. I also believe that I could be a leader and expert in my country as a construction manager.

However, I didn't know many female leaders in the construction industry doing what I wanted to do. I understood that I needed to be an active voice and connect with other women and female leaders who want to manage construction and implement their principles as much as I do. So, I applied for this course and the British Council Women in STEM Scholarship. I understood that would be an opportunity to interact with experienced lectures and meet other inspiring people.

When I arrived in the UK, coming from Brazil, I had high expectations of what the course and life would be like. Already in my first week, I could see that it would be a very interesting multicultural experience. I have classmates and professors from all over the world, the majority are still men, however there is always an open field for us women to give our opinions and perspectives on the issues addressed.

As time went by, I observed educational differences. Here, critical thinking and self-development are well encouraged. At the same time, the lecturers are always available to answer questions and provide further explanations. This was a big insecurity of mine before arriving, I didn't know how my relationship with the lecturers would be and how much my extroverted Brazilian way would be accepted. It was a pleasant surprise to see the welcoming way I was received by everyone.

In addition to the activities developed in the classroom, I have had the opportunity to participate in events related to STEM inside and outside the University. During the first trimester, ARU were already promoting Science Week and the STEM society meeting. There was also a career fair where I was able to talk to a manager at a local homebuilder and understand how construction is done here. I also went to the London Build Expo, a fair that focused on the construction sector where I created a rich network of contacts, attended inspiring lectures, and saw in practice much of what I've been learning here.

These academic and extracurricular experiences made me realise how powerful this opportunity is. I will be able to bring knowledge from around the world to other women in Brazil. I'm making connections with other women leaders in the construction and engineering industry, and I will be an active voice to boost the qualification and engagement of other women in STEM (especially in the construction area). Taking this knowledge beyond geographic borders.

So far, this is a small summary of what I have experienced as a Construction Project Management student at ARU. Learning from routine and cultural differences is also very rich - it certainly strengthens me as a professional, manager, and woman.

I would definitely encourage other women to seek out more information about Masters courses at this University, the British Council Scholarship for Women in STEM and further knowledge of the English language or female leadership. So that we can have more women in leadership positions on our teams.

Photo of me with friends I made during the course (all Masters students in construction or engineering management):

Kamila with four friends standing smiling in a snowy landscape
Kamila with four friends against a decorated backdrop with party balloons
Kamila with two friends standing below Christmas lights
Kamila and friend posing with Big Ben and Westminster Bridge behind them

Photos during the London Build Expo:

Kamila standing by a London Build Expo sign

Photo of me acting as a volunteer during the Science week the Gaia exhibition:

Kamila standing "holding" a projected globe of Earth

Photo of me before one of the lectures:

Kamila outside a lecture theatre building

Photo of my travel from Brazil to England:

Kamila at the airport

By Kamila Silva
MSc Construction Project Management student

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