Top resources for studying Psychology & Criminology


Faculty: Science and Engineering
School: Life Sciences
Course: BSc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology
Category: Psychology

9 June 2022

I believe a student of psychology and criminology needs a range of resources to be able to explore different perspectives. Podcasts, books, & documentaries etc will be your friends if you plan to stay in these fields for long.

Psychology and Criminology are quite similar in the way they are studied. They are subjects where one has to use critical thinking and analysis more than anything else. These are areas where new research keeps happening and hence it is necessary to stay updated. These resources will allow you to consume information through interesting and creative means.

Below are some of my favourite go-to resources:

Research Methods in Psychology by Dennis Howitt & Duncan Cramer

This deserves to be on top of the list because all psychology students must refer to this as part of their research modules. We all need to do some research during our time in university and this book is the complete guide for conducting research in psychology. From literature search to analysis to write-up, this book covers everything. If I am working or studying I prefer to travel with this, even if I don’t read it, because it gives me this sense of security that it has the answers to my, research-related, doubts.

The Handbook of Criminology edited by Liebling, Maruna, McAra

Criminology courses start with this book and it guides a student throughout their time in this course. I believe it is a complete guide to criminology; from how criminology started to the latest theories and research. Each chapter is written by different authors; this further increases its value. This is the other book I travel with; it can just be a leisure read or a more focused attempt to build on my criminology knowledge.

Scopus® Expertly curated abstract & citation database

I find this database to be extremely user-friendly. I came across this recently through my supervisor. It is really easy to apply filters and search for research papers.

Curiosity Stream

Now we finally reach some creative resources. This is a documentary programming platform. Here you can also find some crash courses on various disciplines. I am currently watching a show where a Neuroscientist, a Psychologist, and a Behavioural Scientist dig deeper into the behaviour and thought process of Con Artists. This is the perfect stop for both psychology and criminology students.

Hidden Brain – Podcast

In this podcast, they talk about the role of social sciences in some events or activities, etc. It will also link strongly to current events. I do not listen to podcasts much but whenever I do it is usually an episode of Hidden Brain. I do plan on catching up on all its episodes one day; if only I was able to binge-hear podcasts.

Asma studies at ARU in Cambridge. Find out more about Psychology with Criminology, and other degree courses, at one of our Open Days.


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