Tools of the trade


Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Nursing
Course: BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
Category: Nursing and midwifery

3 February 2020

Throughout my time as a nursing student I have witnessed technology becoming more prevalent and vital to all healthcare professions. And on campus too, it's supporting our learning.

As some of you may have noticed, the NHS is becoming dependent upon technology and as it advances it allows us to get more precise diagnoses and better treatment for those who need it. This includes the use of scanners such as x-rays, MRI, CT, ultrasound and bone scans. These are based around a deeper technological system of referrals and ways of viewing these images and results – which to this day continue to amaze and fascinate me.

In the Trust where I have spent most of my time, we have small tablets given to us daily where you can find a wide variety of platforms to support your job as a nurse. This includes observations and handovers to be given and support for preparing medications, including dosages and diluents.

This impacted our profession massively. It helped reduce drug errors by having an accessible tool to check anything you are unsure of, and means you have key observations to hand if you need to communicate between the inter-professional team.

During my degree, ARU introduced the platform MyProgress to us. This is used to complete practice assessment documents, formative and summative exams and to gain inter-professional feedback that your assessor and academics can access to see how you are getting on during your placement. It is useful and accessible whilst on placement, making you aware of who to report to, what you need to complete during your time and when these have to be completed by. It's a useful tool to have on busy days.

In the classroom, platforms allow us to have online lectures and tutorials with academics which suits students with other commitments better. These tutorials save travel costs onto the campus, and we reduce our carbon footprint by staying in the comfort of our own home. These can also be conference calls with your classmates which encourages further discussions and debates, just like a real lecture room.

Platforms used by ARU, such as Canvas, allow for quick communication with tutors and accessibility to all the information and lectures you may need to access for revision. You also find pre- and post-lecture reading materials, reading lists for modules, and useful videos and links recommended by your lecturers and tutors.

Overall the evolvement of technology has been massive, not only in healthcare but in education too. These changes have led to discoveries and mind-blowing work, alongside supporting the future of medicine and nursing.

Here at ARU, you can specialise in adult, child or mental health nursing – with some courses offering January as well as September starts. Wondering if nursing is the career for you? Check out our nursing pages or come and explore on an Open Day.


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