Starting my journey in January


Faculty: Business and Law
School: School of Management
Course: BSc (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management
Category: Business

22 October 2019

Did you know that you can start a course at ARU in January? This is how I began my ARU journey and I am so glad that I did it; it's been so easy to fit right in.

I am a Business with HR Management student, currently in the second semester of my second year. ARU gave me the opportunity and all the support I needed to finally make this big decision and I want to tell you a bit more about my story.

I started my undergraduate studies in my home country, Italy, but I soon realised that the course did not actually appeal to me. However, my family had already paid the tuition fees and the accommodation, so I felt I could not withdraw from that course otherwise I may have disappointed them. Nevertheless, I was more frustrated day by day and my gut feeling was to leave Italy and come to study in the UK, which has always been my dream.

I was very worried as I could not make a mistake again and I had to pick the right university this time. It was November time and, after a bit of research online, I found out that I could start the course I wanted to do in January, rather than waiting until the next September intake.

I went to a few open days but I remained amazed by the positive environment I found at ARU. Everyone was extremely friendly and supportive and made me feel at home from the minute I walked in.

After that open day, I decided that I had to be strong and leave my country and follow my dream! Even though I was 100% sure of the choice I was making, honestly speaking, I was a bit worried before starting. My thoughts were: 'The year is halfway through and I am just joining now; everything will be new for me whereas all the other students have already settled in.'

I am pretty sure some of you starting this year will feel the same, but don’t worry.

There is a Welcome Week organised for January starters and it is a great way to make friends and start getting used to the new environment.

You get the same support, in regards to student finance as well as Student Services in the University. The Money Advice Team at ARU were so important in my journey, as without them I would have really struggled to work through the application for the government loan.

My top tip when you arrive is, simply, to get involved.

There will be lots of things going on, so don't be shy and make sure you attend as much as you possibly can. It will help you to start your university journey in the right way and take it forward positively and with enthusiasm. See you soon...!

Like Alessia, there are lots of reasons why starting a course in January could make sense for you. Here are ten of them.



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