Paramedic student spring update

Alex Grant

Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Allied Health and Social Care
Course: BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science
Category: Allied and public health

4 April 2018

Alex lets us know what spring can entail for a third year Paramedic Science student.

Paramedic Science interviews - advice

Recently I worked at an interview day on campus for the Paramedic Science course, and was pleased to see how many were well prepared for such an occasion. If there is any advice I can give, it is that you should research the role of the paramedic and look at the healthcare section of news outlets to keep up to date with the current political situation. Decisions made by the ‘powers that be’ publicised across the major news corporations, such as the cancellation of all non-emergency surgery in January, had a direct effect on student Paramedic placements. This is because we were all on placement in main theatres, attempting to gain cannulation and airway management practice where there were extremely few opportunities to do so – something in which I may not have forecast at the interview stage but nevertheless, a hot topic. I led the group interview stage of the day and we had a very productive discussion!

Demonstrating at a Health and Social Care Careers convention

Alongside this, a fellow 3rd year student Paramedic and I attended a Health and Social Care Careers Convention in Essex for regional college students. We brought with us a specialised airway practice model in which we could demonstrate basic to advanced airway management procedures. Towards the end, we even made the students get hands-on; and one intubated at the speed expected of us! Plenty of questions were raised about the types of 999 calls we attend, to which many were shocked when we answered with intoxication and hoax calls – but that’s the reality of the ‘job’. I also discovered how painful it is after 5 demonstrations of how a combat-application tourniquet works on you…

Writing assignments

I have finally submitted my 5,000 word research methodology assignment, which has lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders in time for my upcoming surgery in a few weeks. That being said, I do need to continue with the other 12,000 words left to write between now and August!

Alex studies Paramedic Science at ARU. You can find out if you have what it takes to become a paramedic at one of our Paramedic Science Taster Days.


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