ARU Blogs — Charles

Profile photo of Charles Nwachukwu

Faculty:Health, Medicine and Social Care

School:School of Allied Health and Social Care

Course: MSc Public Health and Community Wellbeing

Hi, my name is Charles, an MSc student of Public Health and Community Wellbeing at ARU Chelmsford. I joined ARU in September 2022, and it has been an amazing experience so far. ARU is a place where you can network and make friends with global citizens.

I particularly love the beautiful environment, student friendly lecturers, easily accessible help centres and non-academic units that help to balance your life.

At my leisure, I play sports or take walks and I am the person to show up for karaoke and game nights. Check this blog out for interesting contents.

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5 January 2023

My name is Charles Nwachukwu, a PG student of Public Health and Community Wellbeing from Nigeria and this is my SHOKE story. Read more…

8 November 2022

My name is Charles Nwachukwu, an MSc student of Public Health and Community Wellbeing at ARU on the Chelmsford campus. Coming from Nigeria, I had no idea what to expect studying in UK would feel like but so far, the experience has been amazing… Read more…


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