5 Reasons that inspired me to study Sport Science

Guest posts

Faculty: Science and Engineering
School: Psychology and Sport Science
Course: BSC (HONS) Sport and Exercise Science
Category: Sport

15 March 2022

Hello I’m Georgia and here are my five reasons why I chose to study Sport and Exercise Science at ARU:

  1. Sport has always been an important part of my life. As a participant and a spectator, I love being in the environment of a competitive game or training. To be able to implement that into research and study the how’s and why’s of what I love is so rewarding.
  2. Science and maths were always my strongest subjects in school. Studying the biomechanics of sport and exercise allows me to utilise this with something I’m passionate about.
  3. Being able to continue on studying and researching past school has been a really enjoyable experience for me. Seeing a career pathway for me to continue researching is an exciting opportunity for me.
  4. The people I’ve met through studying Sport and Exercise Science have been some of the most inspiring and supportive people in my life. I feel so privileged to be able to work alongside such fantastic academics.
  5. Within sport and exercise science, I’ve been able to research performance sport to recreational participation from the general population. Feeling like I’m making a difference in people’s lives, whether it’s through their professional sports performance or their everyday participation and general health is a really rewarding experience.

Sport had such a massive impact on my life when I was a child and has shaped me into the strong-willed, hardworking, and independent person that I am today. It’s so meaningful to feel that I am now making my own impact within the development of sport as a whole.



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