Bibliography / About the Report

Some key works that relate to Labour renewal:

Laurence Black, The Political Culture of the Left in Affluent Britain, 1951-64 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).

Richard Carr, March of the Moderates: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and the Rebirth of Progressive Politics (London: I.B. Tauris, 2019).

Chris Clarke, Warring Fictions: Left Populism and its Defining Myths (London: Rowan and Littlefield, 2019).

Commission on Social Justice, Social Justice: Strategies for National Renewal (London: Vintage, 1994).

Jon Cruddas, 'The Future of the Labour Party', Talk to the Labour History Research Unit, 11 March 2016.

Jonathan Davis and Rohan McWilliam (eds.), Labour and the Left in the 1980s (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018).

Anthony Giddens, The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998).

Philip Gould, The Unfinished Revolution: How New Labour Changed British Politics For Ever (London: Abacus, 2011 [1998].

Herman Hauser, 'Technology for Social Good', imagine2027/Labour History Research Unit talk at Anglia Ruskin University, 5 April 2018.

Roy Hattersley, Choose Freedom: The Future for Democratic Socialism (London: Michael Joseph, 1987).

Colin Hughes and Patrick Wintour, Labour Rebuilt: The New Model Party (London: Fourth Estate, 1990).

Tony Judt, Ill Fares the Land: A Treatise on our Present Discontents (London: Penguin, 2010).

Labour Party, Meet the Challenge, Make the Change: A New Agenda for Britain (London: Labour Party, 1989).

Ross McKibbin, Parties and People: England, 1914-1951 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).

David Marquand, The Progressive Dilemma: From Lloyd George to Blair (London: Phoenix, 1999 [1991]).

Mariana Mazzucato, The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths (London: Penguin, 2018 [2013].

Martin Pugh, Speak for Britain! A New History of the Labour Party (London: Bodley Head, 2011).

Faiza Shaheen, Class and Social Mobility: talk to imagine2027/Labour History Research Unit, Anglia Ruskin University, 9 March 2018.

Wes Streeting, Let Us Face the Future Again (London: Fabian Society, 2020).

David Swift, A Left for Itself: Left-wing Hobbyists and Performative Radicalism (Winchester: Zero Books, 2019)

Gerald R. Taylor, Labour's Renewal?: The Policy Review and Beyond (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997).

David Willetts, 'Fair Sharing across the Generations in 2027', imagine2027/Labour History Research Unit talk at Anglia Ruskin University, 31 May 2018.

Michael Young, The Rise of the Meritocracy (London: Penguin, 1961 [1958]).

[This report reflects the work of the Labour History Research Unit (LHRU) at Anglia Ruskin University over the last ten years. It had its origins in the 'Labour's Shifting Sands' events that the LHRU ran with the Cambridge Labour Party in 2016 as well as the imagine2027 events that the LHRU co-hosted at Anglia Ruskin with Cambridge Commons. The latter produced a series of initiatives to promote equality in the Cambridge area. In my report I have drawn attention to just a few of the imagine2027 talks but they were all stimulating and can be found on the web at For comments and support I am grateful to the following: Belinda Beaton, Paul Bloomfield, Kelly Boyd, Anne Campbell, Richard Carr, Charles Clarke, Jonathan Davis, Matthew Day, Kirsty Harris, David Swift, Tony Taylor and Nuala Webb. None of the above necessarily agrees with the arguments but I am grateful nevertheless. All errors are my responsibility.]

About the author. Rohan McWilliam is Professor of Modern British History at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge and co-director of its Labour History Research Unit. He co-edited Labour and the Left in the 1980s (2017) with Jonathan Davis and has written on the history of popular politics in the nineteenth century. He was President of the British Association for Victorian Studies in 2012-15 and his book, London's West End: Creating the Pleasure District, 1800-1914, will be published by Oxford University Press in 2020. He has been a member of the Labour Party since 1984.

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