Published: 11 April 2017 at 16:21
Illustration student wins Stratford Upon Avon Festival prize
We’re delighted to announce that third year BA (Hons) Illustration student Josh Pell has won this year’s Stratford Upon Avon Literary Festival Design a Jacket Prize.
He will receive £250 in prize money as well as a paid internship at international publishers Transworld, part of Penguin Random House, after responding to the brief for a cover design that was ‘colourful, lively and sharp and that shows a unique and interesting interpretation of the title Sharing Stories.'
Josh’s design will now appear on a Festival book on sale in the Stratford Upon Avon branch of Waterstone’s as well as on the festival website. The book will contain the winning entries in the Felix Dennis Creative Writing Prize 2017, named in honour of a publisher and poet who was a great supporter of the Festival.