DigiFest 2021

DigiFest 2021 shone a spotlight on our digital literacy framework and the new opportunities for staff, including LinkedIn Learning.

Through a range of keynotes, student panels and workshops, the conference provided valuable insight into the latest research, thinking and resources available to colleagues to enhance the development of their digital, inclusive and active teaching.

The event aimed to share good practice in using and embedding digital literacy in the curriculum, and provide opportunities to learn new skills and tools.

For more information about DigiFest 2021, watch the videos below.

Welcome from Andrew Middleton, Anglia Learning and Teaching

Introduction to the Ecology of LMS from Dr Alex Moseley, Anglia Learning and Teaching.

Parallel Session one: Dr Isobel Gowers: Getting Interactivity - Using Teams Functionality to Engage Students Online.

Parallel Session one: Jamie Heywood: Using Third-Party Tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

Student Panel, chaired by Dr Alex Moseley, Anglia Learning and Teaching.

Keynote with Rob Howe, Head of Learning Technology and Media, University of Northampton.
Digital Fluency in Practice Workshop.

Parallel Session two: Dr Isobel Gowers: 7 Ideas for Collaborating in Canvas.

Parallel Session two: Sufian Yousef and Masoud Hakimi: Digital Design and Embedded Systems.

Parallel Session two: Nicola Cade: Proposing, Planning, and Delivering Online Events During a Pandemic.

Listening Room Conversation with an ARU undergraduate

Jisc Discovery Tool and LinkedIn Learning Showcase.

Closing Plenary with Student-led Theatre of the Oppressed Drama on the Digital Experience.