Dr Uwe Richter

Associate Professor Academic Lead: Digital Pedagogic Innovation at Anglia Learning & Teaching
Research Supervision:

Dr Uwe Matthias Richter is the Associate Professor and Academic Lead: Digital Pedagogic Innovation at Anglia Learning & Teaching. He supports, develops and leads on the development of research and scholarly work in digital pedagogic innovation as part of the CIHE. He received his Doctor of Education from the Institute of Education, University College London. His doctoral research focused on online and distance, work-based learning in university degree courses.

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01223 698 092

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Uwe is part of the CIHE where he supports the evaluation and impact assessments of institution-wide initiatives and the development of pedagogic research and scholarly work across ARU.

In the past, he led the development of and staff development in technology-enhanced and online learning, virtual learning communities, and learning in groups and teams. He works with the Anglia Learning and Teaching team on digital learning, teaching and assessment, pedagogic research, and facilitation in active collaborative learning.

His current research interests lie in the field of learning and teaching with a particular focus on active collaborative learning, technology-enhanced and distance learning.

Uwe started his career teaching German language and culture at several institutions globally, including secondary, adult, and higher education. More recently, he taught on the distance learning PGCert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and other Education modules for over 10 years. Uwe is an ARU University Teaching Fellow, recipient of two Vice Chancellor's Awards (team), and Senior Fellow of the AdvanceHE.

Research interests
  • Pedagogic research and scholarly work
  • Technology-enhanced learning, teaching and assessment
  • Online distance learning
  • Work-based learning
  • Active learning pedagogies including team, project and inquiry-based learning
Areas of research supervision

Postgraduate research supervision


(Since 2021)

  • Ruskin 'breadth' Module: "Where do you belong in this city?" (Undergraduate)

(Until 2019)

  • Specialist Studies in Learning and Teaching (Learning and Teaching Using Learning Technologies theme) (PGCE/PGDE/ MA Education)
  • Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Reflective Practice (PGCert Learning & Teaching in Higher Education/MA Education)
  • Developing Assessment for Learning (PGCert Learning & Teaching in Higher Education/MA Education)
  • 2023 – Doctor of Education (Institute of Education, University College London)
  • 1999 – MSc IT and Learning (Lancaster University)
  • 1989 – 1st Staatsexamen (M.Ed.) German and Geography (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany)


Vice Chancellor's Award (Team) 
October 2020, Anglia Ruskin University 
The VC Award was awarded by Anglia Ruskin University to a staff development team lead by Dr Simon Pratt-Adams for "the planning and delivery of the Course Design Intensives, in a very tight timescale, and which has transformed our culture and education offer, supporting course teams to implement the Active Curriculum" [citation] 
The Course Design Intensives is a degree course/programme level curriculum design and development process, to support programme/course teams to implement the university’s Education Strategy and to embed active collaborative, student-centred learning into the curriculum. 

Anglia Ruskin University Teaching Fellowship (ARUTF) 
May 2019, Anglia Ruskin University 
"The panel was particularly impressed by the clear evidence in your claim of your consistent engagement with learning, teaching and assessment related activity over many years, your leadership of learning and teaching enhancements here at Anglia Ruskin, and your support for colleagues." [citation] 

Vice Chancellor's Award (Team) 
March 2018, Anglia Ruskin University 
"Acknowledgement of my team's exceptional contribution to Anglia Ruskin's corporate ambitions" [citation]. 
The award was given for exceptional service in the pedagogic implementing of a new virtual learning environment (Canvas) across the whole university within a short time period. I led a team consisting of Faculty Directors of Learning, Teaching and Assessment from initial requirements, procurement, set up, staff development, roll-out and evaluation. 

Memberships, editorial boards
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Reviewer for Innovations in Education and Teaching International (IETI) journal
  • Member of various approval panels of HE degrees 
  • External Examiner (German), Westminster University, London (2004–08)
  • External Examiner (German), University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (1999–2001)
Selected recent publications

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Berkson, R., Richter, U.M., Veerabhatla, S., and Zasiekina, L. (2020) Experiences of Students with Communication Related Disabilities in the TBL Classroom. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics. 7(1). https://doi.org/10.29038/eejpl.2020.7.1.ber

McNeil, J., Borg, M., Kerrigan, M., Waller, S., Richter, U.M, Berkson, R., Tweddell, S. and McCarter, R. (2019) Scaling up Active Collaborative Learning for Student Success. Final Report. Nottingham Trent University. https://aclproject.org.uk/draft-scaling-up-active-collaborative-learning-for-student-success-report/  

Richter, U.M. and Berkson, B. (2019) Can Active Collaborative Learning Improve Equality? The European Conference on Education 2019. Official Conference Proceedings. The International Academic Forum (IAFOR). Available at: https://papers.iafor.org/submission51859/

Richter, U.M. (2019) You Said, We Did: Students And Staff Informing The Adoption Of A New Virtual Learning Environment (Canvas) Towards Active Student-Centred Learning. 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED Publications. Available at: https://library.iated.org/view/RICHTER2019YOU 

Richter, U.M. and Berkson, B. (2018) Increasing Student Engagement in their learning through scaling up active collaborative learning. INTED 2018. Available at: https://library.iated.org/view/RICHTER2018INC

Richter, U.M. (2013) Defining Effectiveness in Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching Practice – an initial exploration. Networks. Cambridge / Chelmsford: Anglia Learning and Teaching, Anglia Ruskin University. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349641064_Defining_Effectiveness_in_Technology-Enhanced_Learning_and_Teaching_Practice_-an_initial_exploration

Richter, U.M. and Rivera Macias, B. (2011) Anglia Ruskin Case Study for QAQE e-Learning Toolkit. Report on the QA-QE SIG funded Case Study to Pilot the e-Learning Toolkit. QAQE SIGhttps://www.academia.edu/1578582/Anglia_Ruskin_Case_Study_for_QAQE_e_Learning_Toolkit

Richter, U.M. (2010) Tailoring a bespoke Virtual Learning Environment with the support of the JISC e-Learning programme. JISC. Available at: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/elearning/elearningcommsevaluation.aspx

Richter, U.M, Rivera-Macias, B. and Lilly, J. (2010) Using feedback to promote learning: student and tutor perspectives. Practitioner Research in Higher Education. 4 (1), p 30-40.  University of Cumbria. Available at: http://ojs.cumbria.ac.uk/index.php/prhe/index

Richter, U.M. and Rivera-Macias, B. (2009) Whose interests count? The university under pressure to keep abreast of national developments in technology-enhanced learning. ELiSS. 1 (3), 1-32. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.11120/elss.2009.01030007

Richter, U.M., Guard, N. and Waller, S. (2003) Portfolio Assessment in Web-site Design and Development. Fay, M. (ed) Learning from Languages. Preston: TransLang/University of Central Lancashire. 

Richter, U.M. (2003) Portfolio Assessments. The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Available at: https://web-archive.southampton.ac.uk/www.llas.ac.uk/resources/gpg/1441.html

Wisker, G., Waller, S., Richter, U.M., Robinson, G., Trafford, V., Wicks, K. and Warnes, M. (2003) On nurturing hedgehogs: Developments online for distance and offshore supervision. Research and Development in Higher Education: Learning for an Unknown Future. 26. HERDSA. https://www.herdsa.org.au/publications/conference-proceedings/research-and-development-higher-education-learning-unknown-6  

Richter, U.M. (2001) An Exploration of Using Web Enhanced Teaching and Online Communication in a Conventional Context. Fifth Romanian Internet Learning Workshop, 'Internet as a Vehicle for Teaching'. An ERASMUS International Conference

Richter, U.M. (2000) Academic Cultural Briefing (German). LARA (FDTL): Oxford Brookes University. 

Richter, U.M. (2000) Using the Internet for Teaching and Learning: A model for In-Class delivery. The Fourth Romanian Internet Learning Workshop, 'Internet as a Vehicle for Teaching'. An ERASMUS International Conference

Books and book chapters

Richter, U.M., Veerabhatla, S. and Zasiekina, L. (2021) Managing and Facilitating Student Learning in Teams in Higher Education. Padilla Rodriguez, B. C. and Armellini, A. (eds) Cases on Active Blended Learning in Higher Education. IGI Global, pp. 149-171. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/managing-and-facilitating-student-learning-in-teams-in-higher-education/275678

Berkson, R., Richter, U.M. (2020) Increasing student engagement in their learning through active collaborative learning. Chapter 2. Pratt Adams, S., Richter, U.M. and Warnes, M. 2020. Innovations in Active Learning in Higher Education. E-book, Falmer, UK: University of Sussex Library. https://doi.org/10.20919/9781912319961

Berkson, R., Richter, U.M. (2020). Barriers to Scaling Up Active Collaborative Learning. Chapter 7. Pratt Adams, S., Richter, U. and Warnes, M. 2020. Innovations in Active Learning in Higher Education. E-book, Falmer, UK: University of Sussex Library. https://doi.org/10.20919/9781912319961

Pratt Adams, S., Richter, U.M. and Warnes, M. (2020) Innovations in Active Learning in Higher Education. E-book, Falmer, UK: University of Sussex Library. https://doi.org/10.20919/9781912319961  

Richter, U.M. (2004) Minorities in Britain, France and Germany. Compston H (ed) Handbook of Public Policy in Europe: Britain, France and Germany. p 342-35. Palgrave Macmillan UK. Available at: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9781403902917  

Richter, U.M. (2003) Integrating Web-based learning into the curriculum: From resources to web-based courses. Nistor, English, Wheeler (eds) Towards the Virtual University, International E-Learning Perspectives. p 199-218. Age Publishing. Available at: https://www.infoagepub.com/products/Towards-the-Virtual-University 

Richter, U.M. (1988) Die Entwicklung der Freiburger Sprache (Sprachwandel). Pörksen, U. Städtische Umgangssprache und Sprachmilieus. p 1-16. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

Reports and other publications

Dixon, N., Dettmer, J., Howe, Richter, U.M. and  Turpin, B. (2022) ‘Neurodivergence and online learning through the pandemic: What is neurodiversity?’. [First of three posts]. ALTC Blog, Post 1: 04 March, Post 2: 11 March, Post 3: 18 March. Available at: https://altc.alt.ac.uk/blog/2022/03/neurodivergence-and-online-learning-through-the-pandemic-what-is-neurodiversity-post-1-of-3 (Accessed: 09/04/2022).

McNeil, J., Borg, M., Kerrigan, M., Waller, S., Richter, U.M., Berkson, R., Tweddell, S. and McCarter, R., (2019). Scaling up Active Collaborative Learning for Student Success. Final Report. Nottingham Trent University. https://aclproject.org.uk/draft-scaling-up-active-collaborative-learning-for-student-success-report/

Anglia Ruskin University (2018) UCISA Tel Survey: Case Studies 2018. Walker, R., Voce, J., Jenkins, M., Strawbridge, F., Barrand, M., Hollinshead, L., Craik, A., Latif, F., Sherman, S., Brown, V. and Smith, N. (2018) Survey of Technology Enhanced Learning for Higher Education in the UK. Oxford: Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA). Available at: https://www.ucisa.ac.uk/-/media/Files/UCISA/Publication-files/Case-studies/TEL-Case-Studies-2018.pdf?la=en  

Anglia Ruskin University (2018) Five Days of Digital Literacy (5DODL). Kluzer, St. and Pujol, P., 2018. DigComp into Action: Get inspired, make it happen. A user guide to the European Digital Competence Framework. Publications Office of the European Union. Available at: https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC110624

Anglia Ruskin University: Implementation Digital Literacy (2018) Kluzer, St. and Pujol, P., 2018. DigComp into Action: Get inspired, make it happen. A user guide to the European Digital Competence Framework. Publications Office of the European Union. Available at: https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC110624

Anglia Ruskin University (2012) UCISA case study 2012. UCISA Report: 2012 Survey of Technology Enhanced Learning: case studies. Oxford: UCISA.