Dr Julian Priddle

Academic Lead for Learning Partnerships
Research Supervision:

Julian works in Anglia Learning & Teaching as the institutional lead for partnerships in learning as part of the programme of curriculum enhancement under the Education Strategy. His remit encompasses work with students, faculties and services to foster a community in which students are active and engaged learners. He is currently working on a number of projects relating to student experience and success. He is a University Teaching Fellow.

[email protected]
01223 698896


Julian works with colleagues in Anglia Learning & Teaching, the Students’ Union, faculty learning and teaching leads and practitioners, and the University Library and Student Services to support a variety of projects that support the active and inclusive curriculum. His role is designed to facilitate interaction between different stakeholders in order to enhance students’ engagement and their development as active, lifelong learners. He has been involved with the development (with ARU Students' Union) of a framework for student academic partnership, and with a consultant-led pilot project on independent learning. He has worked with staff and students on various initiatives in assessment and feedback. In the Active Curriculum, he has led on academic literacies, independent learning and the inclusive curriculum. He has also taken a leading role in recent projects in differential student experience and success, working closely with Student Services and ARU Students' Union.

Julian has an extensive publication record in environmental sciences, and has more recently participated in a number of pedagogic research projects. Several of these were focused on numeracy in higher education, some of which were part of OER (Open Educational Resources) programmes. Following on from this, he was part of the team who developed the University’s current study skills programme, Study Skills Plus, in which he remains involved. He has also designed a student ‘learning journey’ as a framework for curriculum design and delivery. He has played a role in the development and use of online technologies to support learners, especially in the areas of assessment and course-level delivery.

Julian contributes to the programme of staff development, recently supporting Course Design Intensive workshops. He has been involved in ARU’s accredited professional recognition scheme since its inception, contributing to the re-accreditation and acting as mentor and assessor.

Previously, Julian worked as a learning technologist at our University and earlier as a research scientist in Antarctic biological oceanography. He has held honorary teaching positions at several UK universities and continues to supervise doctoral candidates in addition to limited undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.

Scholarly activity

  • Current research projects on differences in experience and success for students, especially the experience and attainment of BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) students
  • Previous research projects on numeracy and study skills, assessment and feedback, use of learning technologies
  • Supervision of Professional Doctorates
Research interests
  • Student engagement and partnership
  • Independent and self-directed learning
  • The causes of differences between student groups in experience and attainment
  • Assessment and feedback, including assessment mapping and assessment task descriptions
  • Online learning and the use of learning technologies, especially in distance and blended learning
  • Environmental sciences
  • Education for sustainability

Julian has no formal teaching responsibilities, but assists with Anglia Learning & Teaching’s programme of staff development and provides occasional input to some courses in the Faculty of Science & Engineering. He helped to develop the MSc Sustainability, a course that partners ARU’s Global Sustainability Institute with the Eden Project.

  • BSc (Hons) Zoology
  • PhD
  • PGCert eLearning
  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy
  • Fellow of the Staff and Educational Development Association
  • Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology
Selected recent publications

Greig, A. and Priddle, J. (2019) Mapping students’ development in response to sustainability education: a conceptual model. Sustainability, 11(16), 4324, doi:10.3390/su11164324 .
Vohmann, B., Crabtree, P., Priddle, J. and Frame, I. (2017) Mode of study influences built environment students’ perception of their professional development. In: ARCOM (Association of Researchers in Construction Management), Thirty-third annual conference. Cambridge, UK, 4-6 September 2017.

Greig, A.J. and Priddle, J. (2015) Making Sustainability Part of Every Student’s Curriculum (Chapter 3). In: Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level: Making the Links. Edited by W. Leal Filho, L. Brandli, O. Kuznetsova, A. Paço. Springer, Berlin, ISBN  9783319106892,  731 pp. World Sustainability Series

Priddle, J. and Greig, A.J. (2015) Student Attitudes to Sustainability and Employability Skills: Expectations from the University Curriculum (Chapter 10). In: Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level: Making the Links. Edited by W. Leal Filho, L. Brandli, O. Kuznetsova, A. Paço. Springer, Berlin,  ISBN  9783319106892,  731 pp. World Sustainability Series 

Priddle, J, Whitehouse, MJ, Ward, P, Shreeve, RS, Brierley, AS, Atkinson, A, Watkins, JL, Brandon, MA and Cripps, GC. (2003) Biogeochemistry of a Southern Ocean plankton ecosystem - using natural variability in community composition to study the role of metazooplankton in carbon and nitrogen cycles. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108 (C4), doi: 10.1029/2000JC000425

Whitehouse, M.J., Priddle, J., Brandon, M.A. and Swanson, C. (1999) A comparison of chlorophyll/nutrient dynamics at two survey sites near South Georgia , and the potential role of planktonic nitrogen recycled by land-based predators. Limnology and Oceanography, 44, 1498–1508

Priddle, J., Boyd, I.L., Whitehouse, M.J., Murphy, E.J. and Croxall, J.P. (1998) Estimates of Southern Ocean primary production - constraints from predator carbon demand and nutrient drawdown. Journal of Marine Systems, 17, 275–288.

Priddle, J., Nedwell, D.B., Whitehouse, M.J., Reay, D.S., Savidge. G., Gilpin, L.C., Murphy, E.J. and Ellis-Evans, J.C. (1998) Re-examining the Antarctic Paradox - a view of the Southern Ocean as a nutrient-limited system. Annals of Glaciology, 27, 661–668.

Priddle, J., Whitehouse, M.J., Atkinson, A., Brierley, A.S. and Murphy, E.J. (1997) Diurnal changes in near-surface layer ammonium concentration - interplay between zooplankton and phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research, 19, 1305–1330.

Savidge, G., Priddle, J., Gilpin, L.C., Bathmann, U., Murphy, E.J., Owens, N.J.P., Pollard, R.T., Turner, D.R., Veth, C. and Boyd, P.W. (1996) An assessment of the role of the marginal ice zone in the carbon cycle of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science, 8, 349–358

Murphy, E.J., Clarke, A., Symon, C. and Priddle, J. (1995) Temporal variation in Antarctic sea ice: analysis of a long-term fast-ice record from the South Orkney Islands. Deep-Sea Research 42, 1045–1062

Priddle, J., Leakey, R., Symon, C., Whitehouse, M., Robins, D., Cripps, G., Murphy, E. and Owens, N. (1995) Nutrient cycling by Antarctic marine microbial plankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 116, 181–198

Priddle, J., Smetacek, V. and Bathmann, U. (1992) Antarctic marine primary production, biogeochemical carbon cycles and climate. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 338, 289–297

Murphy, E.J., Morris, D.J., Watkins, J.L. and Priddle, J. (1988) Scales of interaction between Antarctic krill and the environment. In - Sahrhage, D. (ed) Antarctic Ocean and Resources Variability. Springer, Berlin, 120–130

Priddle, J., Hawes, I., Ellis-Evans, J.C. and Smith, T.J. (1986) Antarctic aquatic ecosystems as habitats for phytoplankton. Biological Reviews, 61, 199–238

Books, edited volumes and articles

Priddle, J. and Paren, J. 2004. Integrating learning and assessment – experiences from a science class. Ad-Lib: Journal for Continuing Liberal Adult Education, 27, 4–5

Brandon, M. and Priddle, J. (2003) Perception and reality - the 'invisible' ecosystem. In - Brandon, M and Clark, N (eds) Environmental Changes: Global Challenges (course book 1 for U316). The Open University. 111–132

Baliño, B.M., Fasham, M.J.R. and Bowles, M.C. (2001) Ocean biogeochemistry and global change: JGOFS research highlights 1988-2000. IGBP Science, 2, 32pp (contributing author)

Bathmann, U., Priddle, J., Tréguer, P., Lucas, M., Hall, J., and Parslow, J. (2000) Plankton ecology and biogeochemistry in the Southern Ocean: a first review of Southern Ocean JGOFS. In - Hanson, RB, Ducklow, HW and Field, JG (eds) The Changing Ocean Carbon Cycle - a Midterm Synthesis of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. Cambridge University Press. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Book Series, 5, 300–337

Priddle, J., Wishart, J. and Borthwick, K. (2011) OSIER (Open Sustainability in Education Resource): final report. ESCalate subject centre, 52 pp (lead author) (report available at http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/projects/detail/oer/OER_REL_ESCalate - accessed 20 September 2012)

Carter, T. and Priddle, J. (2010) NUMBAT (Numeracy Bank): final report. Anglia Ruskin University, 35 pp (contributing author) (report available at http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/projects/detail/oer/OER_IND_AngliaRuskin - accessed 20 September 2012)

Priddle, J., Maharg, P., McKellar, P. and Lysaght, D. (2010) Simshare: final report. UK Centre for Legal Education, 62 pp (lead author) (report available athttp://www.ukcle.ac.uk/projects/past-projects/simshare/ - accessed 20 September 2012)