Adrian Chapman

Adrian Chapman

Adrian is Executive Director: Place and Economy at Peterborough City Council.

Adrian’s career has involved working in the public and not-for-profit sectors in services aimed at improving outcomes for excluded or marginalised groups, supporting communities to build resilience and capacity, and protecting communities from harm.

He has worked across South Yorkshire on major EU-funded regeneration programmes, and developed and led an organisation that created opportunities for people in disadvantaged communities to take up employment and training.

Employed by Peterborough City Council in 2006 as Neighbourhood Director for a Government-funded neighbourhood management programme, Adrian has subsequently held a number of posts within the Council, including Head of Neighbourhoods, Assistant Director for Communities and Targeted Services, Service Director for Adult Services and Communities, and, in July 2017, a shared director role with Cambridgeshire County Council, taking responsibility for a new directorate delivering all community, safety, skills and partnership services across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire.

Adrian has been the Executive Director for Place and Economy since September 2022, a role which he describes as the best in the world! He is responsible for leading the £1bn growth and regeneration transformation programme across Peterborough, for developing first-class planning, highways and housing services that help make Peterborough the place of choice for people to live, work and visit, and for ensuring the delivery of excellent customer-facing services to our population including waste and climate change, economic development and skills, trading standards, licensing, environmental health, community safety, domestic abuse services, city centre management, culture and heritage, and libraries.