Published: 19 February 2015 at 15:25
VERU's academic excellence has been recognised by the UK's Higher Education funding bodies, with areas classed as generating 'world-leading' research.
Involving over 52,000 academics from 154 UK universities, the results of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 released on 18 December show that Anglia Ruskin is making a significant impact on economies, societies, the environment and culture in all corners of the globe.
VERU was recognised for its work to improve eye and healthcare for diabetic patients of South Asian origin, while VERU's Professor Rupert Bourne has been leading the most comprehensive study ever undertaken into the prevalence of global blindness. The findings have directly impacted on healthcare policymakers and professionals, charities and economic analysts around the world.
REF 2014 is the biggest research assessment exercise in the world and the results are used to allocate around £2 billion of research funding every year.
Overall: We are 100% World class, Internationally Excellent and International (82% of which is World Class and Internationally Excellent)
Impact: We are 100% World Class and Internationally Excellent in our Impact
Environment: We are 100% World class, Internationally Excellent and International (87.5% of which is World Class and Internationally Excellent)
Outputs: We are 100% World Class, Internationally Excellent and Excellent in our outputs (74.5% of which is World Class and Internationally Excellent)