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Why university?

Contemplating going to university, but you're not entirely sure if it's the right choice? ARU answer some frequently asked questions about choosing to study at university and why it could be the best next step for you.

What is the point of going to university?

University is truly an opportunity like no other. There are many aspects that make going to university an amazing experience, but the first thing you should consider is what you really want to achieve and learn. Studying a subject or vocation that fascinates you, taught by knowledgeable and supportive experts at the top of their field, is an option that everyone should seriously consider. 

Going to university isn’t just about studying to achieve your future goals. University is also about finding your yourself, experiencing new things and enjoying the journey of personal growth. Meeting your deadlines, budgeting your money, paying your rent and bills, taking part in social events and finding new extra-curricular activities - university can help to nurture your sense of responsibility and give you new-found independence.

Another benefit of university is that you will also be surrounded by like-minded students in a supportive and friendly community. Whether it’s on your course, through sports, social events, or when you join a society through the Student’s Union, you’re guaranteed to find people that share your passions, hobbies and interests. Most graduates find that they form friendships at university that last a lifetime. 

Whether you should attend university or not is a decision that only you can make. It’s important to remember that it’s no-one else’s choice. If you think receiving a degree will help make your ambitions a reality and attending university will give you a chance to become the best version of yourself, you shouldn’t hesitate to apply. 

If you think uni might be for you, why not explore our undergraduate course pages.

Read more about what is the point of going to university?.

Am I smart enough to go to university?

Achieving a good degree isn’t necessarily about how smart you think you are, but more about how much effort you are willing to put in to succeed. At ARU, we believe that if you are studying a subject that you are passionate about and you’re prepared to work hard while you’re here, then you will achieve fantastic results.

If you struggle with certain academic skills and you’re worried this might hold you back, our friendly and supportive experts at Study Skills Plus will be able to help you throughout your degree.

Read more about am i smart enough to go to university? .

I’m worried about whether my study skills are up to scratch for university.

If you’re concerned that a specific study skill might cause you to fall behind on your course, then our Study Skills Plus programme can help. Offering support with academic skills, IT skills, information skills, maths and stats skills the Study Skills Plus team are available to enhance your chances of success while you’re at ARU.

Read more about i’m worried about whether my study skills are up to scratch for university. .

I’m not sure what career I want. Does that mean I shouldn’t do a degree?

Not at all! You don’t necessarily need to know what career you want, but while you’re studying with us we would love to help you try and work out what you want to do next. That’s why we offer a wide range of services to help support you and prepare you for tomorrow’s workplace.

Our Employability Programme is very popular with our students, as it works with you throughout your time at ARU. As you explore your interests we can help you secure work experience, placements, volunteering opportunities and we even offer support for your start-up ideas.

Read more about i’m not sure what career i want. does that mean i shouldn’t do a degree?.

What if I get homesick?

Most students struggle with homesickness at one point or another during their time at university. It’s totally normal to feel this way, especially as moving away and living independently is such a big change for many students. Our recommended remedy for homesickness is to really get stuck into university life and make the most of all the opportunities available to you at ARU. If you find you are still struggling with homesickness then you can always talk to a friendly professional from our Counselling and Wellbeing service.

Read more about what if i get homesick?.

How do I find the right course for me?

When you’re applying for university it can be really hard to know which is the right course to choose.

A great start is to try and attend a UCAS Higher Education Fair. This is where you will be able to pick up prospectuses from a wide range of universities and have a chance to speak to their representatives.

Attending open days and applicant days can be a huge help, as you get the opportunity to speak to current and students and lecturers. These are the people who can give you the best insight into the course and it’s content.

However, if you’ve been unable to attend an event yet, then you can still arrange to visit us or speak to one of the fantastic course lecturers. If you don’t think you will have a chance to visit, make sure you carefully read through our course information, student testimonials and take note of the different modules you will be studying throughout your degree.

Read more about how do i find the right course for me?.