Ruskin Modules

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Our world is changing rapidly, with technology and innovation shifting the nature of work and education. That's where our interdisciplinary Ruskin Modules come in.

As part of ARU's innovative curriculum, Ruskin Modules complement your course by developing skills that employers demand: collaboration, problem-solving, and thinking critically, creatively and flexibly.

These modules will help build your confidence, so you have the courage to tackle challenges head on, both during your studies and when you start your career.

We're proud to have won a national sustainability award – the Next Generation Learning and Skills prize at the Green Gown Awards 2023 – for our Ruskin Modules.

Each Ruskin Module presents a question about our changing environment. In seeking answers to that question, you’ll broaden your horizons by working with people who think differently, have different perspectives and life experiences, all excellent preparation for the world of work. You might even learn something new about yourself!

Ruskin Modules are framed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so you can gain the skills and knowledge required to respond to the world’s most pressing challenges. ARU's commitment to sustainability means you'll acquire the skills and knowledge you need to make a difference.

You can choose from a wide variety of Ruskin Modules*, so there's bound to be one that particularly resonates with your interests and aspirations. Your journey to an exciting future begins here!

* A small number of courses accredited by a Professional Statutory Regulatory Body (PSRB) do not take Ruskin Modules. You can find out more from your Course Leader, or by emailing [email protected]

Current students, find out more about choosing the right Ruskin Module for you here

Modules about health, performance and wellbeing
Modules about safe and inclusive communities
Modules about sustainable futures

What previous students say

"I would say to choose something unexpected… it took me to a completely new career path. Just because it's not linked to your degree in a way that you think, it may completely surprise you and create a completely new avenue for you."
"It's fascinating and it's interesting and I really, really enjoyed it. The teachers we had were really enthusiastic, there was no such thing as a stupid question or a stupid answer, your opinion is your opinion and is valid. Just be prepared for everything to change, because I guarantee, it will do."
"There’ll be key skills you take away, you won’t just apply them to your degree, but you might be able to apply them to yourself, you’ll be really glad in the end that you’ve taken it."