Sporting spotlight: Meet some of ARU's 2024 marathon runners

Published: 19 March 2024 at 15:02

Composite image of Richard Mead, Hollie Cook, Dom Butkas, and Marie-Pierre Moreau

With marathon month just around the corner, four inspiring ARU staff and students tell us about their training journeys and the causes they're running for.

Richard’s Landmarks Half Marathon for NACOA

Name: Richard Mead
Staff, student, or alumni: Staff
Job title: Associate Lecturer
Faculty/Service: Faculty of Arts and Humanities (ARU London)
Event: London Landmarks Half Marathon

In your own words, tell us about your sporting achievement or upcoming challenge.

Richard Mead holding a camera, and carrying other photographic equipment in a backpack

Since an incident in 2021 in which I was stabbed, I had completely stopped exercising due to nerve damage. I decided to try and get fit again recently, and downloaded the Couch to 5k app.

I've always been a big supporter of the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA), having worked closely with them over the past ten years. NACOA is an absolutely amazing charity and managed to secure several spaces the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2024.

I will be filming my training and, hopefully, the run (if they'll let me) and am aiming to raise at least £400 for the charity – who also work closely with several universities to support students whose parents struggle with alcohol addiction.

What would you say to someone to inspire them to follow in your sporty footsteps?

Just do it. It's so easy to get out of the habit of exercise, but starting again has helped me so much.

I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after leaving a previous job with the emergency services, and it's true that exercise really does help with improving your mental health.

Visit Richard's fundraising page

Hollie’s London Marathon for Children with Cancer

Name: Hollie Cook
Staff, student, or alumni: Student
Course: BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
Faculty/Service: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Event: London Marathon

In your own words, tell us about your sporting achievement or upcoming challenge.

Hollie Cook outside university buildings at night, wearing running gear

In April I will be participating in the 2024 London Marathon and I am running to raise money for the amazing charity Children with Cancer.

As a student currently undertaking a project looking at specific types of cancer, the scientific side fascinates me. However, for people living with cancer, it is one of the most challenging things they can face.

It is clear how much charities such as this provide comfort for those who need it and I want to do everything I can to help provide as much support as possible, for both science and patients.

What would you say to someone to inspire them to follow in your sporty footsteps?

Six months ago I couldn’t complete more than 3k without stopping, and now during training I am completing half marathons (21k) and even crazier distances to prepare for the full marathon (42k).

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt through my training, it’s that your mind will want to give up waaaaaaayyy before your body will. You are so much stronger than you think you are, and learning to ignore that little voice in your head that tells you can’t is the most important thing you can do, and that doesn’t just apply for sport.

Visit Hollie's fundraising page

Dom’s London Marathon for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Name: Dom Butkus
Staff, student, or alumni: Student
Course: BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Therapy
Faculty/Service: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Event: London Marathon

In your own words, tell us about your sporting achievement or upcoming challenge.

Dom Butkus running through woodland

On 21 April I will be running the London Marathon. I'm not just running for the finish line but for something much more profound: I'm dedicating this marathon to raise money for JDRF, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Every stride is fuelled by a passion to make a difference in the lives of those battling type 1 diabetes (T1D). I've seen the impact firsthand, and I'm determined to bring hope and positivity into the lives of those affected.

This is also a challenge for me as I’ve always enjoyed running but never tested my limits, so by doing a marathon I feel like I’m really testing myself and giving myself an unforgettable journey of a challenge.

What would you say to someone to inspire them to follow in your sporty footsteps?

If a thought or an idea sparks within you, don't let hesitation hold you back. Embrace it, act on it, and witness the enchantment of the journey. Feel the warmth in your heart as you complete the task you once doubted you could complete!

Visit Dom's fundraising page

Marie-Pierre’s Brighton Marathon for Mind

Name: Marie-Pierre Moreau
Staff, student, or alumni: Staff
Job title: Professor of Education
Faculty/Service: Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Event: Brighton Marathon

In your own words, tell us about your sporting achievement or upcoming challenge.

Prof Marie-Pierre Moreau with a small brown dog

I went back to running during the COVID-19 lockdown. It felt empowering to focus on my health and well-being at a time of great uncertainty.

After a while, I registered for the Cambridge Town and Gown 10k, the Cambridge Half Marathon and, last year, the Brighton Marathon. This year, I am taking part again in the Cambridge Half Marathon (on 3 March) and the Brighton Marathon (7 April).

While I am a slow runner, I have enjoyed running long distances. The best bit is the kindness of strangers who are never short of encouragements.

I also enjoy running for Mind, the mental health charity. They provide great support to the runners and I know the money I raise will support some of the people who need it the most.

The most annoying bit is people claiming Brighton is flat. If you have run a marathon there, you will know what I mean.

What would you say to someone to inspire them to follow in your sporty footsteps?

I hated PE at school and would never think of myself as a sporty person. If I can do it, you most likely can (mobility and health permitting, obviously).

Visit Marie-Pierre's fundraising page

If, like our brilliant staff and students above, you're running a marathon this year, you may be interested in the following tips and advice from our experts: