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24 October 2023

ARU and partners announce first event in Improving Quality Improvement series

Royal Papworth NHS Trust, ARU, Cancer Research UK and the Cambridge University Hospitals Leads for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Professional (NMAP) Research are excited to announce a three-part series looking at the science of Quality Improvement and how its use can be improved in healthcare. The first event, with Prof Jo McPeake, will take place on 2 November at 5pm and is open for virtual attendance.

Find out more about and book your place for the first Improving Quality Improvement event
30 June 2023

ARU and Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) to hold second joint research conference

Researchers and clinicians from ARU and EPUT will share their latest collaborative work at their second annual joint research conference on 15 September at Hughes Hall, Cambridge. The conference's theme is 'digital innovations in practice' and will include a keynote from Prof Andrew Bateman (University of Essex) on digital innovations in rehabilitation, as well as networking opportunities.

Find out more about and book your place at the second ARU and EPUT joint research conference
30 June 2023

ARU's Medical Technology Research Centre (MTRC) announces second conference

ARU's MTRC has announced its second annual conference will take place on 13-14 September 2023 at Hughes Hall, Cambridge. The conference will particularly focus on the benefits of collaboration, and delegates will hear from Prof Wei Chen (University of Texas Arlington) on nanotechnologies, and Prof Michael Sutcliffe (University of Cambridge) on biomedical engineering.

Find out more about and book your place at the second MTRC conference
29 November 2022

Academics present diabetic health research at Health, Performance and Wellbeing launch

Dr Raju Sapkota, Dr Pamela Knight, and Dr Justin Roberts gave a poster presentation, 'Barriers to the uptake of diabetic health services among Black Caribbean people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the UK' at the Health, Performance and Wellbeing research theme launch in Cambridge on 28 November 2022. They discussed the aims, methods, and findings of their research into Black Caribbean patients' healthcare experiences.

View the 'Barriers to the uptake of diabetic health services among black Caribbean people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the UK' poster (PDF)
29 November 2022

Academics present contraception access research at Health, Performance and Wellbeing launch

Dr Susan Walker and Claire Hooks gave a poster presentation, 'Improving access to contraception for women experiencing drug addiction' at the Health, Performance and Wellbeing research theme launch in Cambridge on 28 November 2022. They summarised the aims, outcomes, and future of their project, which involved developing a network of public and third sector stakeholders who work with women with drug addiction who also required contraception.

View the 'Improving access to contraception for women experiencing drug addiction' poster (PDF)