Providing a voice for trans and non-binary youth

Published: 9 April 2018 at 14:41

A person holding up a transgender symbol

QueerViBE is looking for volunteers to study the effectiveness of their online programme.

A team of researchers are looking at ways of empowering transgender male and non-binary youth, and helping them find a voice on the issues that matter to them most.

The QueerViBE programme combines interactive video tutorials that explore gender, power and prejudice, with online community-building exercises that allow young trans male and non-binary youth to discuss and share important topics.

The online research project, which is looking for volunteers, is being led by Sam Martin, a doctoral student at the Department of Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, who identifies as non-binary (genderfluid).  The project forms part of a wider study on queer masculinities and everyday prejudice.

Sam said: “We are seeking the voices of trans male and non-binary youth to understand how they cope with and manage the negative experiences and messages of transphobia communicated on a daily basis.

“Too often it seems that trans and non-binary youth get spoken for, whether in the media or day to day.  Everyone seems to have an opinion, but the views and experiences of trans and non-binary youth are not always being heard.  We want to give some power and a voice back to young people in educating and informing others about their lives.

“QueerViBE will hopefully provide the tools and the platform to accomplish this.  The aim is to see whether we can evidence positive changes in physical and mental wellbeing, as well as a number of other factors, over the course of the intervention and beyond.”

Dr Daragh McDermott, the project’s research supervisor said:

“Trans male and non-binary youth face significant risk in terms of their physical and mental wellbeing.  Through QueerViBE, it is our intention to provide a platform that supports the development of a healthy and positive gender identity for young people.”

QueerViBE is open to all transgender male, transmasculine, non-binary/gender non-conforming, intersex and questioning young people in the UK, aged between 16-21. For further details, or to apply to take part, please email [email protected]  or visit The QueerViBe website.