Paul wins award for helping students to get real

Published: 18 September 2018 at 16:00

Paul Driver receiving his award

National recognition for innovative teaching methods at Anglia Ruskin University

An Anglia Ruskin University learning technologist credited with providing the nurses, teachers and social workers of the future with pioneering virtual reality techniques has won a prestigious national award.

Paul Driver received the Learning Technologist of the Year Award by the Association of Learning Technologists at a ceremony at the University of Manchester this week. He received the recognition based on his work throughout the year, which included creating interactive virtual reality learning resources for students. These replicate real-world experiences and help students to develop essential skills in care, compassion, observation and communication.

Paul’s nomination follows his introduction of 360-degree video scenarios, incorporating interactive video, audio, notes and questions, to enable students to walk in the footsteps of patients, take part in role play situations, develop empathy and engage decision-making.

Paul, a Senior Learning Technologist within the Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care, said: 

“As someone who has recently transitioned from a teaching career, in which I passionately integrated technology in my own practice, to a role in which I now train and support others to do the same, I was truly honoured and humbled to receive the Learning Technologist of the Year Award. 

“Anglia Ruskin is buzzing with innovative ideas and creativity, and it has been extremely rewarding to help bring some of these ideas to fruition. The work I do wouldn’t be possible without the support of our Dean and extremely progressive Director of Learning and Teaching, who has challenged me to grow professionally and acquire new skills.”

Paul was also a finalist in the community choice category of the awards, which are held to celebrate excellent research and practice in learning technology.