New university building wins national prize for impact

Published: 17 April 2023 at 16:00

External view of University House building at ARU Peterborough

ARU Peterborough wins award from shortlist of 16 UK higher education initiatives

ARU Peterborough’s innovative new campus in the heart of the city has won a national higher education award for its impact.

The new university saw off competition from 15 shortlisted university projects from across the UK to win the University Impact Initiative of the Year category at the Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE) awards.

AUDE promotes excellence in the strategic planning, management, operation and development of Higher Education estates and facilities, and held the awards ceremony at its annual conference at the University of Liverpool on Wednesday, 5 April.

ARU Peterborough opened the doors of its first teaching building in Bishop’s Road to students in September 2022, and this will be followed later this year by a research and development building and in 2024 by second teaching building incorporating a ‘Living Lab’ space which members of the local community will be encouraged to visit and use.

The buildings have been specifically designed to ensure that students are equipped with the skills required to build a higher-skilled workforce across the region.

ARU Peterborough offers courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students based at University House, including international students, as well as students learning online. The university also runs an array of short courses aimed at supporting businesses.

ARU Peterborough is accepting applications for entry in September 2023, and is holding an undergraduate Open Day on 10 June to allow people to explore the award-winning campus and learn more about the courses on offer.

Professor Ross Renton, Principal of ARU Peterborough, said:

“We are thrilled that ARU Peterborough has won this award ahead of such strong competition from across the UK. It was a privilege to learn about the innovative work being done across the sector.

“Right from the start, we wanted ARU Peterborough to do things differently, to focus on equipping our students with the skills that will meet the needs of employers and industry. We are already having a lasting impact on the city and region. I am delighted that this has been recognised.”

Richard Kenny, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s Director for Economy and Growth, said:

“It is fantastic to see ARU Peterborough already being recognised for the impact it is making in the city. The development of the university is not just about bringing opportunities for higher education and better skills in Peterborough, but also helping to regenerate and transform the city, supporting the local and sub regional economy, and benefitting communities.”

ARU Peterborough is a partnership of Anglia Ruskin University, Peterborough City Council and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.


Photograph of ARU Peterborough by Richard Fraser Photography.