Law clinic moves online to help families in need

Published: 7 April 2020 at 11:00

Sarah Calder

ARU service continuing to offer people free legal advice despite lockdown

The award-winning Law Clinic at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) is continuing to offer free legal advice online throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

The service is offering online family law consultations via video conferencing or information via e-mail to people who require specialist professional advice, in partnership with local law firms and assisted by Law students at ARU.

Sarah Calder, Director of the Law Clinic, said:

“Like most services during the current global pandemic, we have had to be creative to ensure we can keep things business as usual as much as we can.

“We’ve already hosted consultations online with several clients and we can also offer confidential and independent advice via e-mail thanks to our partnership with local law firms.

“The need for legal advice does not cease due to a pandemic, and it is important to us that we can continue to serve our communities at what is a difficult time for everyone.”

ARU’s Law Clinic was set up in 2018 and offers free, independent and confidential legal advice and support to people facing family law matters across Chelmsford, Cambridge and Peterborough – giving communities vital access to justice.

In March 2019, the service won the Excellence in Pro Bono award at the Cambridgeshire and District Law Society’s annual awards, and in May 2019 it finished highly commended runners up in the Best New Pro Bono Activity category in the LawWorks National Student Pro Bono Awards.

If you would like to find out more, please e-mail [email protected] or visit the Law Clinic pages.