Published: 8 December 2020 at 11:30
Steven Kear joins ARU as new Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor
Students in the School of Computing and Information Science at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) are benefitting from hands-on Internet of Things (IoT) expertise thanks to the appointment of Steven Kear as a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor.
Steven is Principal Technologist and Founder of Kear Technology Solutions and has worked in the electronics and technology sector for over 18 years, helping clients harness technology, drive innovation and bring products to market.
The appointment is part of the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Visiting Professor scheme, which is designed to utilise the experience of experts with industrial backgrounds to enhance teaching and learning in UK universities.
Steven is supporting ARU’s BSc (Hons) Cyber Security and BSc (Hons) Computer Networks courses through interactive lab sessions, as well as mentoring and developing real-world Internet of Things (IoT) project scenarios.
From a peak of public and media interest in 2014, when IoT promised a near-future where every electronic device within the home is connected to the Internet, IoT has since undergone a refinement period, with experts exploring ways of overcoming some of the key challenges to mainstream adoption.
Steven said: