Worried about someone?

If you’re worried about a friend and think they might be in emotional crisis it may be useful to consider the questions below:

  • Has there been any significant change in their appearance? For example weight loss / gain or decline in personal hygiene.
  • Has their mood changed significantly? Perhaps they are low, agitated, very quiet, very loud, moods up and down or anything else out of the ordinary.
  • Have others (house mates, other students or friends) expressed concern about them?
  • How long have they been like this? Everyone has bad days but it’s when days turn into weeks or months that there may be a problem.

Self-help leaflets

Our Counselling and Wellbeing Service have put together a range of self-help leaflets to offer you guidance to help you feel more prepared to offer support.

Let's talk about suicide

Every 2 hours, someone in the UK takes their life, but would you know what to do if someone came to you about ending their life? It’s important that we can talk openly and honestly about suicide and educate ourselves on how to signpost people to support if they need it. By taking just 20 minutes of your time and completing the suicide prevention training, you could save someone’s life. Take the suicide prevention training here.

Don't forget, our Wellbeing Advisers are here to help if you are worried about a friend and want to talk.

Talk to a Wellbeing Adviser

Use these contact details and ask to speak to a Wellbeing Adviser.

Monday to Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 4.30pm