Pride of Essex Awards

  • Dates: 16 November 2021, 19:30 - 21:00
  • Cost: Free
  • Venue: Online
Join via Microsoft Teams
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Join us online for the 2021 Pride of Essex Awards.

The awards celebrate people from Essex who have given their time and effort unselfishly, either by caring for others, or raising funds for worthwhile causes, as well as adults and children who have managed to achieve in life, despite adversity. The winners will all receive recognition by way of a cheque as well as a coveted trophy, the money awarded may be kept by the individual or donated to the charity of their choice.

There are five categories:

Pride of Essex (Ultimate Award)

Awarded to inspirational adults who unselfishly give their time, often despite adversity. Setting an example to, or helping others less fortunate.

Child of Courage Award

Awarded to exceptional, inspirational children who manage to achieve, often despite adversity. Given for courage, determination, and a positive disposition to deserving, Essex based children, under the age of 16.

Community Champion Award

Awarded to individuals or groups, who put the needs of others before themselves, raising much-needed funds for charity. Recognising the difference they make to the Community as a whole.

Unsung Hero Award

Awarded for exceptional care in the community. Recognising individuals who make a real difference, by putting the physical needs of other before themselves, in either a neighbourly, or professional, capacity.

Inspirational Youth Award

Awarded to inspirational young people in the community, who make a difference to other peoples lives, and putting others needs before their own.

Top Team

Awarded to teams of people who go out of their way to help others in their local community. For example setting up clubs to help disadvantaged or disabled people.

Nominations closed on 24 September.

Visit the Pride of Essex Awards website to find out more.

There is no need to book a place for this event, simply join the Teams event on Tuesday 16 November at 7.30pm.

  • Dates: 16 November 2021, 19:30 - 21:00
  • Cost: Free
  • Venue: Online
Join via Microsoft Teams