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Commission research

We offer contract and collaborative research services to help you explore new ideas and grow your business. Draw upon our academics' expert knowledge, access our facilities and equipment, and join the list of over 2,000 organisations in the East of England we've helped to date.

Read about our contract and collaborative research offers below, call us on 01223 695878 or email us at [email protected] to find out more.

You can also follow @ARUBusiness on Twitter or ARU Enterprise and Innovation on LinkedIn.

Our contract and collaborative research success stories

Improving Safety, Protecting the Environment, and Saving Money

Using artificial intelligence in the construction industry

Essex County Council

Contract Research Case Study

Follow the money

Crowdfunding your way to success

Contract and collaborative research

Are you looking for academic expertise to support your organisation’s R&D activity? Contract and collaborative research may be the solution.

We’ll work with you to understand your specific brief and apply our research expertise to solving your real-world problems. Previous projects have helped organisations create new products and services, provided proof of concept support, analyse markets and evaluate existing practices to increase productivity or simply analyse systems and processes to increase efficiency. Project timescales can also vary to suit your needs.

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Why collaborate with ARU?

A business development team that listens to your needs

Our Partnership Development Managers are business-friendly people. Good at listening and understanding a client’s brief, they can help you quickly identify a suitable academic in your desired field, and answer any questions you might have about confidentiality, intellectual property, timescales or costings.

Contact us via email on [email protected]