Top 5 resources for studying Medical Science


Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Allied Health and Social Care
Course: BSc (Hons) Medical Science
Category: Sciences nutritional and pharmaceutical

4 May 2023

I'm in my third year of Medical Science at ARU. Here are the top 5 resources that I used throughout my degree for studying, and for completing assignments.

1. PubMed and Google Scholar

From day one at University, you are introduced to PubMed and many scientific databases. PubMed is an amazing platform with a user-friendly interface. Throughout our academic journey at ARU, we have had many workshops and sessions from the library services where the staff helps and teaches us the best ways to use these platforms. I have particularly enjoyed Google Scholar for its feature to add the paper to your reference database automatically, Refworks.

2. RefWorks

Alongside PubMed, RefWorks is another pillar for a successful academic journey. The platform allows you to select the reference style and stores all references you put in. It has an extension that connects to your writing software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs and lets you add the in-text reference and at the end, you can create a bibliography instantly. Having a platform that stores all references and allows you to edit them there made writing essays and a dissertation more accessible.

3. Osmosis

Osmosis is by far the most interactive and interesting way to learn. The producers make an excellent job of explaining intricate concepts into approachable pieces. Osmosis is great for visual learners since they make the best sketches and illustrations. It is incredible how much Osmosis has grown as a learning resource, they have such a wide variety of topics and content, great for revision and consolidation.

4. Quizlet

Quizlet was my favorite flashcard app, for its easy design. You can share the flashcard sets with your peers, allowing for a dynamic study session. Quizlet was perfect for concept-heavy modules such as Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, and Biochemistry. A feature of the platform is that you can have the app on your phone too, so you can revise on those long train journeys easily and effortlessly.

5. University library

The physical library is the ideal place to study and gather for revision sessions. However, online services provide access to an infinite range of textbooks, papers, and articles. Having access to this material is pivotal alongside the lecture content, the textbooks allow you to get a deeper knowledge besides what is taught.

I hope this helps, good luck!

Alexandre studies BSc (Hons) Medical Science at ARU in Chelmsford. Find out more about this, and other degree courses, at an Open Day.


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