Q & A with Albanian student Emiljana Vulaj

Faculty: Science and Engineering
School: Vision and Hearing Sciences
Course: BOptom (Hons) Optometry
Category: Vision and hearing sciences

2 April 2020

The flag of Albania: a pair of black dragons back-to-back on a red background

Optometry student Emiljana Vulaj answers our questions about her experiences as an Albanian student at ARU.

Why did you choose to study at ARU?

I did a lot of research and read a lot of reviews and ARU seemed to be the right place for me. It’s a very friendly university with a variety of cultures and nationalities which made it exciting!

What can you tell us about studying Optometry?

The course, for me, was very full-on and a lot for me to take in, which was a bit scary to start with but I now wouldn’t change it for the world. I loved the challenging aspect of the course and the new things I have learnt. My lecturers were good and always supportive and willing to help.

Are there any course-specific or university facilities that you found useful while studying Optometry?

I found the lab rooms very useful during my first year. The equipment really enabled me to get extra practice which helped a lot.

Would you recommend studying Optometry to others?

I would definitely recommend my course to anyone interested in Optometry. It isn’t easy but hard work does pay off and the career opportunities, I’m sure, will be rewarding.

What would you say was your overall favourite thing about studying at ARU?

The different variety of people you get to meet.

What was your biggest challenge of living and studying in the UK, and what methods did you use to cope?

For me it was the language, due to the fact I wasn’t born in an English speaking country! I overcome this by not being afraid to show what I know - you always know more than you think - and then learning from what I didn’t know.

What is your overall impression of Cambridge?

Cambridge is beautiful and full of life.

What was your favourite aspect of your non-academic life?

The opportunity I got to meet new people and make new friends.

What are your ambitions/plans for the future?

I’m very much looking forward to a career as an Optometrist.

What advice would you give to future students coming to study at ARU?

Enjoy every day as much as possible, be yourself, and don’t be afraid to show the world what you know, even yourself!


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