ARU Blogs — Maddi

Criminology student Maddi

Faculty:Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

School:School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Course: BA (Hons) Criminology

My name is Maddi and I am a first year Criminology student. I love all things crime and punishment related. I applied for university very late because I didn’t think the university life was for me, but after receiving an unconditional offer for my course and beginning life in Cambridge I’ve come to realise that it’s the best choice I could have made.

In my spare time you would usually find me down the stables with my beautiful horse or traveling around with my camera. I have such a passion for photography so I work weddings, christenings and many other jobs whenever I can to earn some extra cash.

As of yet I have not got a set career path, but my top three possibilities are; teaching, forensic photographer and victim support worker. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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