ARU Blogs — Caleb

ARU student blogger Caleb

Faculty:Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

School:School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Course: BA (Hons) Policing and Criminal Justice

Hi, I'm Caleb and I'm studying Policing and Criminal Justice at our Chelmsford campus.

I started in 2019, so I'm currently in my third and final year. I always knew I wanted to do something within the police when growing up, so when I saw the chance to study it at ARU, I couldn't say no.

I have had a great two years so far and studied some topics I would never have dreamed of when choosing the course, but now I'm in my final year I wish I could go back and do it all again. Despite this, I'm excited to finish my time at ARU and apply what I've learnt to the real world.

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23 May 2022

During my second year of university, I took a module which required me to have a voluntary placement within the Criminal Justice System (CJS). For my placement I became a Special Constable with Essex Police, which I still am today. Read more…

23 May 2022

Throughout my time at university, I have found many different materials and resources that have helped me study and write my assignments. My course is unique in that there are no exams, so this list is of things I have found useful outside of the general reading list we're given. Read more…


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