Published: 25 May 2016 at 10:44
Residency includes special appearance at Hoadley, Hall and Brown concert
Over the course of Semester 2 2015-6, music producer Fredrik Olofsson spent two weeks as Artist in Residence in our Department of Music and Performing Arts.
During his time with us, Fredrik resided full-time in the Digital Performance Laboratory, where he held an ‘open door’ policy for staff and students, offering alternative perspectives on a number of their projects and providing consultations.
As part of a student engagement plan, he also dropped in on a number of Creative Music Technology classes, and displayed examples of multimedia work from his Swedish Sound Art DVD series. He also prepared and presented a well-attended student Network Jamming workshop, allowing students to trigger sounds on each other's computers in MAX over a network connection. This two-hour workshop was very well received by the attendees.
Perhaps the highlight of Fredrik's time with us was his performance in a Hoadley, Hall & Brown concert (pictured). Using a custom built, retro-styled DIY wireless instrument, he controlled complex clouds of synthesised sound and projected sonic visualisations. A number of Creative Music Technology students from the Network Jamming workshop also took part in Tom Hall’s piece in the concert, using some of the techniques covered in the workshop.
Of his time as Artist in Residence, Fredrik said:
This was a very successful residency, of great benefit to our students, staff and Fredrik himself, and one that created a buzz around Music Technology in our department for the duration of his time with us.