Alice Sows the Seeds of Success

Published: 22 July 2020 at 12:04

Illustration of a mother and son working in a city garden, by Alice Courtley.

MA Children’s Book Illustration alumnus takes first prize in Picturehooks competition

MA Children’s Book Illustration alumnus Alice Courtley recently joined the ever-growing ranks of Cambridge School of Art’s award-winning students and graduates. Her illustration 'The City Garden' (pictured) took first prize in Picturehooks' 'From Seed to Table' competition.

Picturehooks is an organisation based in Edinburgh that 'provides opportunity and development for all emerging picture book illustrators to help them access the world of children’s publishing.' The brief of their competition was to create an illustration that celebrates just one moment of the journey between the sowing of a seed and a dish of food being placed on a table.

Alice will receive a prize of £1,000 and have her illustration displayed online, although Picturehooks are also hoping to eventually exhibit the winning entries in a physical space as well.