Man helping a woman with a computer

learning and teaching

Our University has a number of technologies designed to enhance learning, teaching and assessment. Collectively we refer to this as the LMS Ecosystem. Have a look at the below tiles for more information.

At ARU, we use Canvas, a Learning Management System (LMS), as the core of our LMS Ecosystem. We also use Microsoft 365, which provides an excellent platform for students to collaborate on learning and assessment activities. By using a package that is commonly used in industry, students develop skills that are relevant to future employment. We also use YuJa Media to support media-enhanced teaching and learning, and a range of other third-party tools to support learning.


Canvas is a core part of the LMS Ecosystem and is where students will find all the key information relating to their learning

Developing digital fluency

Media, streaming and recording

Student engagement and polling Mentimeter

Our online interactive presentation tool where you can use quizzes, polls, word clouds and more. The advantage is that students can respond anonymously, and you receive feedback in real-time. Find out more on our Third-Party Tools and Technologies toolkit