Media-enhanced teaching and learning one-day retreat

Please contact [email protected] to secure your spot.

Anglia Learning and Teaching warmly invites academics and learning technologists to a one-day retreat in Cambridge focused on media-enhanced teaching and learning (METaL).

It will take place on 23 January 2023 and will run from 9am until 5pm in HEL 110/111. Colleagues are free to drop in at a time that suits them.

If you've thought about doing some podcasting and other aspects of using and producing video, audio and screencasting to create a vibrant learning environment this is an ideal space to learn some new skills or brush up on existing ones.

There will be experts in Microsoft Teams, PollEverywhere, YuJa Media, podcasting, third-party tools and more in the room ready to help you.

You can use the METaL Retreat to:

  • put good ideas into practice – a supported space to get your work done
  • access instant support – whether it is technical, pedagogical, managing your teaching and so on
  • work alongside likeminded academics and compare notes – find others in your METaL@Scale focus project, in your faculty, or who share your desire to innovate.

We ask you to:

  • BYOD – bring your own device (laptop, tablet, or phone). We will have some tech, but it is better to know you can do this with your tech.
  • Come with an objective – what do you want to achieve? Have you wondered about the best way to put a voiceover on your PowerPoints? Or are you worried about copyright on your slides? We’ll make sure you get the help to meet your objectives!

Find practical resources in the METaL Toolkit to guide you in using media well for teaching in the meantime.

Please contact [email protected] to secure your spot.