Published: 17 February 2021 at 17:06
This year’s call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) from colleagues interested in leading or collaborating on a Ruskin module is now open. The call is open until Friday 30 April 2021.
Ruskin modules use interdisciplinary approaches that enable students to address wicked challenges – social or cultural problems that are difficult to solve. Any new proposals need to have a title that can be asked as a question that provokes interest or curiosity in the topic.
Institutional Lead for Ruskin modules Elaine Brown says: “If you have a passion for a module you have always wanted to run or want to be part of our positive, collaborative and vibrant Trailblazer community of change-makers, please do get in touch.
“Our latest call for EoI is a great opportunity to get involved with Ruskin modules in September 2021 or September 2022. The process first starts with an informal conversation to explore ideas, so that Anglia Learning & Teaching can then go on to lend support to teams approved by faculties, services and/or institutes to develop the module.”
Examples of titles for Ruskin modules approved so far include: ‘AI and the Future: a threat to humanity?’, ‘Is there such a thing as a happy meal?’ and ‘Work: What is it good for?’
Elaine says: “The World Economic Forum (WEF) suggests the rise of machines and automation could eliminate 85 million jobs by 2025. But at the same time, the WEF expects 97 million new jobs to be created, meaning an overall addition of 12 million jobs.
“The sorts of skills that graduates will need are those activities machines can't do, such as problem solving through creativity, innovation, having initiative; self-management, through active learning, resilience, flexibility; working with people with diverse perspectives and technology use and development.
“Ruskin modules will give students a cutting edge beyond the expert knowledge of their individual discipline, plus a flexible mindset and the skills to tackle challenges in their futures.”
Students who started in the academic year 2020/21 are set to be the first to take Ruskin modules at Level 5 in their first trimester 2021/22.
Visit the Ruskin modules webpage, join our What is an Expression of Interest? webinars, or email [email protected] for more information.