Celebrating Global Week at ARU


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Creative Industries
Course: MA Music Therapy
Category: Music and performing arts

17 April 2023

During Global Week international students, diversity, inclusion, and cultural pride have been highlighted across all campuses.

As an international student, I love living in a new country, experiencing new things, meeting new people, and experiencing life in England. I chose this path and am thoroughly satisfied with my choice to come here.

The international student presence is felt at ARU, and that is something I have really enjoyed. I have met people from all over the world here, and to be a part of a university that so openly celebrates its students from different countries is fantastic.

The booths held all week were amazing, and I could tell how much effort and love students put into them to share pieces of their culture and home life.

As soon as I walked through the university, it was obvious that the environment had changed. There was different music in different languages playing, smells of unique food to try, exciting clothes and colours, and activities at each stall. I smiled every time I came into campus that week, and to see people laughing, dancing, and trying new things was inspiring.

For Global Week, I helped the American students by creating a poster and some resources on American indigenous culture. They happily displayed this in the booth, and that meant a lot to me, not only to be represented for my country but my tribe as well.

I also participated in the Global Showcase and presented a powwow-style dance. This was a new experience for me as I have never done anything like that before, but it was rewarding to be able to represent my heritage and share that with the University.

Composite of two images of MA Music Therapy student Dominique performing a powwow-style dance

The people who performed in the showcase were amazing, and it was great to see different styles, traditions, and talents broadcast so boldly.

There are moments that I am homesick, but events like Global Week made me appreciate where I am now and where I have come from and know that those two things can coexist happily.

Dominique studies a Music Therapy MA at ARU in Cambridge. Find out more about this and other degree courses at one of our Open Days.


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